I'm cross-posting this from another site, just in case someone can help.

Ohio Happy Tails - Out of

I am saddened to have to write these words, but I
must. Ohio Happy Tails has fallen victim to the
economic hard times. Our adoption rate has dropped
dramatically, along with donations. Add these
pressures to the personal tragedy that has happened
and you can understand this very hard decision that
had to be made. All the pets must be moved, dogs,
cats, and 4 guinea pigs. A euthanasia day(Oct 16th)
has been set for any pets left here at that time.
Most dogs are spayed/neutered, a few new comers have not had that privilege yet. Cats have been low
priority and most are not altered. All but a few can be seen at our website www.ohiohappytails.com
ThankYou all so much for the help that you have given
over the past 2 years, and I wish you all continued
good fortune. Ginger & MirandaOhio Happy Tails