Cindy...I just read your last post, and you've got me tearing up, too...Your post sounds like it could have been written by me about a year ago when we lost our Billy...All the little things that your kitty did and that you did together is what you remember. And the fact that your other cats seem to look for and miss Taz sounds familiar, too. One of our cats named Sam (she's 15) was really close to Billy, and had spent all but the first 4 months of her life with him, especially seemed (and still does sometimes) to really miss him. Time will help with that, but I know how difficult it is for you now. Two weeks is not a lot of time, and as tedious an expression as it is, "time helps" is true. Although I still cry sometimes when I am really missing Billy, those times don't come as often as they used to (thankfully), although I never stop missing him and I know I never will, but I am able to think of him most of the time now without tearing up. In the meantime, try to focus on your other pets, because having them really does help, bless their hearts. Having other pets to love is a blessing in its own way, and I'm sure they are aware that Taz is gone, and that you are upset. Cherish your memories of Taz, and remind yourself of where he is now...At the RB, healthy, happy and having a heck of a good time! He'll always be with you and he'll always love you, and you will see him again one day...Hang in there...

God bless,
