First Notice of Invitation - more to follow! Mark the date! September 13, 2009.
All Mid Atlantic PTers, or those that would like to travel to the Mid Atlantic, a plan is being hatched by me (Pinot's Mom, AKA Maggie) and two other PTers (at least, so far) for a get together in this area on September 13, 2009. This is in the infancy stage, so there is nothing concrete except that I'll coordinate it and plan where we'll meet. This will probably NOT include pets, sorry, it's for the people to get together - bring lots of PICTURES, though!

Please respond to me, either by PM or on this thread, whichever you'd like, to let me know if you'd like to be involved. The response will dictate the location; it could even be at my home, but as I said, that's to be determined. Let me know if you're interested!

Let's get together! Hope to see you!!
