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Thread: Kitten Cold

  1. #1

    Kitten Cold

    Hello everyone,

    I hate to start off on this forum without any introductions and just jumping right into questions but I am worried about the new addition to my family, Valthien (Val for short). Just today I found a kitten, he seems in good heath all things considered and I could guess he is a few months old. I cleaned him up and he ate and drank to his hearts desire upon arrival home. I decided to keep this lovely little thing because he isn't warming up quickly and I know with time he will grow to trust me and other people. I always hate taking strays to the shelter when then aren't already people friendly. He's already climbed in my lap once today while I was working, and then decided to drive me crazy by being obsessed with my computer but I am not too worried about that.

    Since I found him and cleaned him up I noticed he's been sneezing an awful lot, is very stuffy. His eyes are watery, more than I would deem usual having worked with kittens a lot in the past. I haven't had him long enough to know his eating habits but his very playful, even if it isn't with with me. That seems to be average for a kitten, play, sleep, play, sleep, play...etc. I have raised orphaned kittens, my original cat was rescued from a dug out and had to have his tail removed, I've tamed strays and treated cats for various illnesses before but a cold? Honestly, this one caught me off guard.

    I know kittens are more at risk than older cats to sickness and I know the most recommended thing would be to take him to the vet. As of right now though, I had been planning to raise a little money for a week and then take him. My work is pretty give or take, some months I could make enough, others I may not. To be honest, right now I don't have what I need to take him to the vet as much as I know I should. I will if it means the kittens life, I meant to save him, not do him any more harm.

    What would you all suggest beyond the vet? What things should I keep an eye out for that might deem something more serious than a mere cold? Other than that, as soon as I get the funds I will take him to the vet regardless just to be sure everything is ok - especially before I introduce my other cat to him.

    Thank you and sincerely,

    Last edited by Shinju; 06-24-2009 at 07:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Do you have other cats right now? I'd keep him isolated from them until you can get him to the vet and get him tested for FIV and Feline Leukemia. That he is active is a fine thing, I would call the vet and ask if you can bring him in this week, and pay next week, just to be sure he's okay, and get him something to help with his respiratory infection if that is what it is. Have you checked him over for fleas, etc.?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    I do have another cat, a two year old snowshoe. I've keep them away from each other, now I have Val in another room and Merrick down stairs. Val doesn't have any fleas, which surprised me. I was fully expecting him too but I am happy not to have to deal with that. Since I don't know his exact age I can't be sure whether it's safe to treat him for it, it's a relief not to worry about that. Merrick had fleas when he was a kitten, and worms. Other than the sneezing and raspy meow, Val seems okay. I forgot to mention that prior, that Val's meow is very raspy. He seems to have a hard time with it. I might take your advice on asking the vet if I can arrange some later or segmented payment. I will call first thing in the morning.
    ~ Shinju

    "Cats don't expect presents on their birthdays because they think they already own everything."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Just north of Memphis TN, USA
    Awwww, poor lil thing. Respiratory infections are really contagious but usually pretty treatable with proper antibiotics from a vet. Hope the little darling feels better soon. Make sure you wash your hands after handling the sick kitty. I for one wouldn't mind seeing some pictures of both kitties

  5. #5
    My pretties!



    ~ Shinju

    "Cats don't expect presents on their birthdays because they think they already own everything."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    It definately sounds like he could have an upper respiratory infection. I agree with checking to see if the vet will accept a later payment. When I found my Phoebe, she couldn't even meow she was so sick with a URI. Putting him in the bathroom with you while you take a shower will help relieve the stuffiness, and the vet can give him a suppliment that is supposed to help boost the immune system. Good luck and God bless.
    Too many pets? What's that?

  7. #7
    Yes, I'd see if your vet will see your new kitty now and allow you to pay next week or whenever. Maybe it's best not to treat him for fleas just yet because the solutions can be harsh. See what your vet says. In the meantime, be sure to isolate him so that he doesn't spread anything such as a cold or URI to your other furkids. And btw, welcome to Pet Talk! You're gonna love it here! And thanx for the great pix of your fur family. They're all beautiful.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Just north of Memphis TN, USA
    awwww.....Merrick has the cutest little milk mustache

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ellicott City MD
    Please take that kitty to the vet! Pinot had a TERRIBLE respiratory virus when we first got her and I wouldn't wish that on any kitty!

    Your kitties are adorable! Welcome to PT! Keep us updated!

  10. #10
    So I've talked to both paws and the vet and they both tell me essentially the same thing - I am required to pay in full at the appointment time but I could write a check and they can hold it until a specific date. My bank account at the moment it pretty shot, and I am not comfortable in doing that. My grandmother's anniversary party is this weekend, I am considering leaving tonight and speaking to my brother who is a Paws foster parent. He may be able to get this through much cheaper and I could pay him back whenever I get the money rather than paying the whiny vets. For people who work with animals, I really don't think they hold much compassion. I'll keep everyone posted, and I appreciate the support.
    ~ Shinju

    "Cats don't expect presents on their birthdays because they think they already own everything."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Hmm, I would find another vet - I am not sure I would trust my cat with someone who wants me to post-date a check! And doesn't have the compassion to see a kitten in need!
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    New Jersey
    I would most defiantly find another vet. I use 3 different vets and all 3 will treat first. Then worry about payment. But please get this cute baby checked.
    GILL & Crew;

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Deep-N-Heart of Tx && My Babie's Hearts
    Welcome to you all to Pet Talk & enjoy all the talks & pics.. The two babies are so Adorable.. I would for sure keep them seperated until the Vet (with a Heart) can check out the newest baby.. Good Luck & keep us posted..

    ~~~Thank You Very Much {Kim} kimlovescats for the Grand Siggy~~~

    [[ Furr Babies are Like Potato Chips **** No One Can Have Just One ]]
    ****** Kindness, Mercy & Justice to All Living Creatures ******
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    ((( Each Day With Our Pets is a Surprise Package Waiting to be Opened )))
    <Sunsets are God's Reminder to Us That At The End of the Day We're All In This Together>

  14. #14
    I will definitely look for another vet but he does seem to be doing much better. His breathing seems easier, he hasn't sneezed yet today and the sweety is now following me everywhere. His eyes still seem a little bad, I've been gently stroking around them with a warm damp cloth, poor baby - I woke up this morning and he couldn't even open his eyes they were sealed shut. Anyway, he is making this post difficult by walking all over the keyboard so I will go for now. Thanks all.
    ~ Shinju

    "Cats don't expect presents on their birthdays because they think they already own everything."

  15. #15
    Post dating a check has become common practice for vets in these parts. I do understand your feelings, though, about wanting a vet w/more compassion. If I feel as though I'm working for the vet instead of the other way around, I'm outa there. I'm glad to read that your kitty is feeling better. Good luck in your search for a new vet.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

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