First off I should say hello.

I am mainly here to share information of what seem to be posts from your forum which have been copied onto another website and passed off as their own info.

I am a mod on a catforum and we recently discovered large numbers of our members threads and posts had been copied & pasted onto this advice website with no credit or info about the original posters.

Some members were obviously upset, some wern't so bothered.

Today I came across a number of posts, and having searched the usernames they all led me back to here. So I thought I would let you guys know about it and ultimately it is up to you if want to try and contact them / do anything. Some of our threads which were copied were about pets which had passed away so it was quite sad to see such posts "stolen". I know ultimately once you put something on the internet you have lost control over it etc etc, we went through all of that but I felt it fair to let you guys know it also seems to have happened to you.

To website is

Some of the topics I found which seem to relate to here are

I can see some are old threads (xmas 2007) but I'm not so sure how recently your threads have been taken from. (We first discovered it on our website in September).

Having done the whois etc etc there isn't much info. The owner of the domain has hidden their identity, all I've really found is the site is hosted by dreamhost and the domain is through a reseller account.

Obviously if you guys aren't bothered then just ignore this, but I thought I would share this info so people can see what a jerk this person is.