Happy Cat of the Day to you, gorgeous girl! You truly are one stunning beauty, Molly! Wow, what a spectacular coat, what brilliant green eyes! And that expression...priceless!

I'm horrified (putting it mildly!) just imaging you and your dear brother being left by the side of the road, and angered beyond words at any sentient being who could do such a thing! Heartfelt thanks to the good folks at Friends for Felines for saving you and your brother, and thanks to your forever family for welcoming you BOTH home, forever! You clearly are a joy, and your family is so very blessed to have you and brother in their lives!!!
Hope you and your furbro are both enjoying the bestest day of celebration, being treated to all your faves and loved to pieces (just like every day!).

Hugs and smoochies to you and your furry sidekick, beautiful Molly!