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Thread: 28 random things about yourself..

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by shais_mom View Post
    xposted from facebook for the most part.

    21. I was in FFA in High School, and an officer twice. Reporter and Vice President.
    Were you really? That's pretty interesting seeing as I'm in it now. I haven't been an officer though my 2 friends are, I'm only a sophmore so I'd be a Junior Officer though I don't know if other chapters do that, some only elect Seniors and Juniors as officers. I'll definitely try next year though, not Senior year, but at least next year because I missed the election this time around. That's pretty cool that you were VP, though! I don't think I'd want to be that high up in the ranks.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Karen... I never would have thought: 20. I love headbanging music

    Stacy- I too can NOT pull myself away from Facebook! I like it MUCH better then Myspace!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Alright... here goes:

    1. I would risk my own life to save my dogs.
    2. The older I get the more my family means to me and the shorter my list of TRUE friends get.
    3. I once had 3 magnetic earrings stuck up my nose.
    4. My husband has broken 2 bones in my hand while we were playing sports together.
    5. I love Bud Lite Lime
    6. 7 years ago while white water rafting the raft flipped and I was stuck under it and almost drowned.
    7. It took me 5 years to go rafting again and I've been back twice since.
    8. Dogs are better listeners than most people.
    9. I suck at math, grammer, spelling...etc....
    10. I didn't know how to tell time on a regular clock till I was in my early 20's.
    11. I work in the office at a body shop and I love not having an office full of women to fight and be caddy with.
    12. I love camping but I'm afraid of being in the woods after dark
    13. I want to visit Alaska.
    14. I want to go to Montana and track wolf packs.
    15. I spend too much time on the internet while I'm at work.
    16. I'm a good cook
    17. I'm a GREAT baker!
    18. My husband played football in High School with a few guys that are now pro football players. (London Fletcher-Redskins, Joe Jurevicius-Browns)
    19. I am a good singer and was Anita in West Side Story in highschool.
    20. I missing singing but no longer have the confidence to perform in front of people.
    21. If American Idol was big when I was in High School I would have tried out.
    22. Without contact or glasses, I can't see my alarm clock 3 feet away from my bed.
    23. I've broken my left thumb twice and right once playing softball.
    24. Buddy is my heart dog, they'll never be another like him in all my life.
    25. I taught my husband how to drive stick shift when we first met. (shhh he doesn't like anyone to know that! LOL)
    26. I wanted to be an interior designer.
    27. I can balance all sizes spoons on my nose.
    28. I have #27 in video!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    1. I was born on my dad's birthday.
    2. I have one cat, one horse, one bunny, 2 clownfish, and a shrimp.
    3. I almost adopted a 3 legged pitbull from Dogs Deserve Better. The pup is an absolute DREAM ... except for cats. (And really, she might be able to be worked thru the issue -she wasn't that bad- but I have no experience with that type of thing. I still might consider adopting her if I had someone to help me with the issue.)
    4. I bought my first house in November... and still haven't moved in, yet. (Getting closer, though.)
    5. I'm scared of receiving my first electric bill.
    6. I love buying makeup but don't wear very much at all.
    7. I love, love, LOVE bath "stuff" (shower gels, bubble bath, etc) but can't use 99% of it due to my finicky skin.
    8. I liken my horse to a storybook picturesque mare. She has such a wonderful temperment and will do anything you ask (except sidepass, which we're working on). I "dress" her in pink. I have pink glittery hoofpolish. Secretly, I wish she could fart sparkles.
    9. Only today did I find out that 2x4 didn't mean, 2 foot by 4 foot.
    10. I'm quite book smart but can be a total airhead when it comes to "real" stuff (see above).
    11. I never thought I'd be happy in my home town, never thought I'd live in this small of a place but I'm happier now than I have been in YEARS.
    12. I don't want children and I'm not sure if I want to be married.
    13. I HATE to answer the phone; it is (quite literally) a bit of a phobia. This stems from a certain call I took/brief employment as a 911 dispatcher.
    14. As a result of #13, I don't talk to my friends nearly enough. I prefer to txt or chat on the computer but work tends to get in the way.
    15. As I approach 30, my bedtime gets earlier and earlier.
    16. I don't like the smell of roses. They remind me of funerals.
    17. I HATE to cook.
    18. I don't mind baking.
    19. I love to write and have been published in different literary journals. I even did a reading in college. I miss this.
    20. My BA is in English (minors in rhetoric/technical communication and creative writing). My MA is in Technical Communication. I would like to have my MFA in poetry but, at this point in my life, I'm glad to be done with school.
    21. I'm allergic to most dairy but cheese doesn't bother me. Milk tastes sour and gives me migraines.
    22. I used to love winter. Now, not so much.
    23. I can't drive a manual even though I've repetedly tried. I did however sit (I wouldn't say drove - I don't think we ever had to shift I went so slow) on Xradeu's Dad's tractor, which was a manual.
    24. I don't like bears, even teddy bears.
    25. I don't really love my job but I have it too easy (decent pay, good hours, easy work, security) to go anywhere else.
    26. I love tea. I prefer it over coffee, soda, or water. If cold, I want it unsweetened. If hot, it has to be sweetened.
    27. There are certain words I hate, they just SOUND ugly. Boogy, for example.
    28. I don't really like the way meat tastes and definitely won't eat it in any form of leftovers (chicken being the exception). I prefer veggies.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Wiltshire England
    1. I have a mentally handicapped sister who I love, and wouldnt want to change in anyway.
    2. I have a slight fear of birds
    3. I love taking photos and my camera goes almost everywhere with me
    4. I write 'randomness' stories with my friend which include things about were-goats (peaceful creatures with large fangs) and singing elves (little people who live in people, for example I have 2 called Cheesecake and Pumpkin)
    5. I have loads of weird nicknames including: Lellipalooza, Lelli, Wellie, Wellington, the singing elf lover, Ellzabeth, WellieCake, etc etc
    6. My dream is to become an author but I know how hard it is, so if that doesnt work out I want to be somehting to do with writing/media (journalist maybe)
    7. Most of my tops are technically boys tops (I mainly wear band t-shirts)
    8. I love dragon fruit and am currently sulking that I cant find it anywhere
    9. I like cooking and have recently invented a very odd cake by mistake LOL (my friend named it 'figglebottom cake')
    10. I have a slight obsession with Snoopy and have to buy almost everything Snoopy I see
    11. I also have a slight obsession with M*A*S*H
    12. I hate the noise of hoovers
    13. When someone says smile, I usually dont, but if they say dont smile I burst out laughing
    14. I used to find the word 'pudding' very funny and if anyone wanted to make me laugh they used to say pudding, then I named a teddy bear pudding, but I still laugh at the word sometimes.
    15. I hate having wet socks (for example, I hate stepping in puddles because of this)
    16. I hate the texture of bananas
    17. I love little random things, for example I have a glow in the dark plastic sheep in my room, and a face (I think its meant to be a frog) with grass growing out of the top
    18. A few weeks back we took cuttings from plants in science, and my friend and I named our cutting/plant Geri Junior and we played it music, read stories to it, and we begged our teacher to let us take it round school so it could get an education, needless to say we got some very strange looks...
    19. My friends and I do loads of air instruments.... including air vocals, air guitar etc..... its really funny to watch
    20. I have my ears pierced but almost always forget to wear earrings
    21. I hate shopping unless its for something completely weird or random such as rubber ducks
    22. I love hole punching things
    23. I have very messing handwriting and can barely read it myself sometimes
    24. My friends always laugh at me because I aparently do funny things with my eyebrows when I speak
    25. I say I dont know/ I dont mind to almost everything
    27. I love sitting in the tree in my garden
    28. Last time it snowed my brother and I made a very odd lookig snowman and called it Sebastian.

    'If everyone else's opinion is what matters, then do you ever really have one of your own?'- Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Quote Originally Posted by pitc9 View Post
    Karen... I never would have thought: 20. I love headbanging music

    Stacy- I too can NOT pull myself away from Facebook! I like it MUCH better then Myspace!
    i only have you on myspace.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whisk_Luva View Post
    15. I hate having wet socks (for example, I hate stepping in puddles because of this)
    omg - me too! its kind of a phobia
    and I hate having anything in my shoe. Sock fuzzies, grvel etc one of my friends tells me I have Princess and the Pea Feet!
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post
    Were you really? That's pretty interesting seeing as I'm in it now. I haven't been an officer though my 2 friends are, I'm only a sophmore so I'd be a Junior Officer though I don't know if other chapters do that, some only elect Seniors and Juniors as officers. I'll definitely try next year though, not Senior year, but at least next year because I missed the election this time around. That's pretty cool that you were VP, though! I don't think I'd want to be that high up in the ranks.
    yupper we didn't do JR officers. we were such a small chapter at that time that we had to include Jrs and Srs as officers. I was reporter my Jr Year and Vice Pres my Sr year. I LOVED FFA.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  9. #39
    I am loving reading all of these!! I read through them and see how many thing we all have in common (but for me didn't write down). It's really cool!

    Staci and Alyssa, I had never heard of FFA, but I was in 4-H.

    Wet socks give me the creeps too, lol, as do getting the sleeves of my shirts wet.

    Bird phobias... yeah... they freak me the heck out!!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Okay... finally getting around to this...

    1. I am going to school to become a RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician)
    2. I am horrible at math and science
    3. I go to church, and I am a Christian
    4. I love my friends dearly, but I only have a handful of friends
    5. I have a very mild case of Autism (Aspergers), my problem is social skills
    6. I LOVE my family and dogs more than anything
    7. I am a clean freak, lol
    8. I was in special education through 7th grade-and all throughout high school
    9. I actually would rather be in special education than regular, because you know everyone in your classes soo well, and you learn to LOVE your teachers, and I loved them from the start!
    10. My mother has 7 siblings, so I have A LOT of family on hber side, and I wouldn't trade it for anything
    11. I wear glasses, I have awful vision
    12. I have had my dog, Sadie, since I was 6 years old
    13. I am 5'3
    14. I pretty much have a library of dog books, lol
    15. I love to scrapbook, but I hardly ever do it (my mom is a Creative Memory consultant)
    16. My mom has several bookshelves full of scrapbooks of my sister and I, one for each year (well, she's still working on them) And I love to look through them
    17. I am OBSESSED with all things Disney!!
    18. We have no real family in the area, but we have a lot of family friends, they are just like family to us
    19. I graduated from high school in 2008! (And I miss high school like crazz)
    20. I'm obsessed with facebook, lol
    21. I have been to Washington DC (for my Aunts wedding)
    22. I have been on a Disney cruise
    23. I hope to own a Doberman Pinscher soon after I graduate in 2010
    24. I love texting, more than I like talking on the phone!
    25. Sadie has her own scrapbook, and I should really make one for Rita
    26. My sister and I don't get along all that great, but at the end of the day, we really appreciate each other
    27. I love the Disney channel, and Animal Planet
    28. I never thought that I would finish this!

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    Staci and Alyssa, I had never heard of FFA, but I was in 4-H.
    Future Farmers of America or Vocational Agriculture classes.
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Very interesting and inforamtive thread. Now it's my turn to share.

    1. I've never been married.
    2. I don't have any children.
    3. I've lived in 3 states so far: PA.,S.C., and CA. and I like the weather in CA. much better.
    4. I'm the oldest of 3 children.
    5. I have 2 younger brothers who are married and have children.
    6. I sometimes feel like the black sheep of my family.
    7. My 6 cats are my children.
    8. I'm addicted to PT.
    9. I don't like the taste of coffee.
    10. Diet coke is my coffee.
    11. I haven't been on a date or a relationship in years.
    12. I don't like my job but at least I still have one with medical benefits.
    13. I'd love to work with animals in some way.
    14. I love photography even though I'm not really good at it.
    15. I'm not artistic at all.
    16. I used to love going to rock concerts but now they're just too expensive for me.
    17. As I've gotten older, I hate crowds even more.
    18. I don't usually like shopping for clothes.
    19. I hate grocery shopping.
    20. I hate to cook.
    21. I like to bake but I don't do it very often.
    22. I love sweets.
    23. I hate driving long distances.
    24. I've only had one traffice ticket so far and it was for changing lanes incorrectly.
    25. I don't drink any more because I hated the hangover feeling I'd get the next morning.
    26. I love going to cat shows.
    27. I hate clutter.
    28. I'm addicted to the H&G channel and American Idol.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    These are fun to read!

    Here's mine.

    1. I just ate a big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. I'd have more, but I'm too lazy to get up right now.

    2. I love to travel. My husband and I are hoping to teach and live abroad someday.

    3. I play the piano and want to learn the violin.

    4. My husband has a very pretty shade of red hair that I hope our child inherits.

    5. I have been a vegetarian for over 12 years.

    6. I was recently put on modified bedrest because of a pregnancy complication. That means I have to pretty much lay on my side most of the day and drink tons of water. Thank goodness for my laptop!

    7. I might go on for a PhD or an EdD when I am done with my masters but I haven't decided yet.

    8. I love love love eating sweets. I wish I didn't.

    9. I love to read but I often have a difficult time finding books I like. If I like an author, I can read through their entire collection in under a week or two, but then I'm left without anything to read again.

    10. I don't really like cooking but luckily my husband does. He is making stir fry right now.

    11. I do like baking though but I don't very often because I always eat way too much of it.

    12. I have never been able to keep my room tidy. I'm naturally a lazy housekeeper, but the rest of the house is usually pretty clean- just not the bedroom.

    13. I like listening to ambient music.

    14. I kind of hate Valentine's Day, although I do like the chocolate.

    15. Thinking of so many things is harder than I thought, but it is a nice distraction.

    16. I love going second-hand shopping for just about anything.

    17. Currently there is one dog and one cat on the bed with me. There is usually at least one pet!

    18. Denver is sunny so much that occasionally I hope for cloudy skies. I definitely miss rain, too, it almost never rains here!

    19. It was about 60 degrees here today, so I have a window open.

    20. I love to go hiking in the mountains and I enjoy camping even though I never sleep well.

    21. This is my last semester before I graduate with a Master's in Education. I just need to finish my darn thesis.

    22. Our house is the same age as me.

    23. I've broken two bones in my life- my little toe and the one next to it. I broke my little toe by dropping a big ceramic pan of lasagna on it, and I think I broke the other one by stubbing my toes, but I don't remember.

    24. I never answer the home phone because we don't have caller ID. I always let the machine get it- anyone who I really want to talk to calls my cell phone anyway.

    25. I seem to get jury summons every year or two.

    26. I love going out to eat. I spend way too much on it. I especially like Indian and Italian food.

    27. I still don't like raw tomatoes- they made me gag as a child and my dad never believed me!

    28. I can't wait until spring is officially here! It is my favorite season.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ellie, you are awesome and I wish we could hang out IRL. I am an obsessive fan of M*A*S*H and I bought the first season on dvd today!

    Quote Originally Posted by zippy-kat View Post
    I liken my horse to a storybook picturesque mare. She has such a wonderful temperment and will do anything you ask (except sidepass, which we're working on). I "dress" her in pink. I have pink glittery hoofpolish. Secretly, I wish she could fart sparkles.
    Zippy, that has got to be the best quote I've read in a very long time!

    Niņo & Eliza

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian View Post
    Staci and Alyssa, I had never heard of FFA, but I was in 4-H.

    Bird phobias... yeah... they freak me the heck out!!
    FFA is sort of similar. Apparently they changed the name Future farmers of America to National FFA organization because agriculture has expanded much more now then it was when it was created. Aw come on Jenn, birds aren't all bad ;D I have the cutest little budgie in the entire world although sometimes I swear she's evil.

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