About a month or so ago, I was at the grocery store. I bought my stuff, went to customer service for a moment and left my heavyish bags at the checkout.

When I came back, there was an elderly woman from the nearby Stoney nation who was counting out some change. I asked how much she was short, and the cashier said $2.50 or something like that. I said, "Heck, I can help - it's Christmas." and I handed over $5. The cashier said the woman 'reeked of alcohol' and I said, "all the more prayers she needs." I leaned over to the woman and said, "Merry Christmas. Grandmother," and left.

I asked a bunch of friends to donate any Christmas stuff they had...and got a tree, decorations, Walmart gift card, toys, you name it! I drove it all down to a single mom friend of mine in southern Alberta. It was a blast - I didn't even know what was in some of the boxes - it was like Christmas for me too! And some of the tree ornaments were really unique ones.

I got Mom some truffles - she loves them, 5 will last her a year, easily! And I got her a book she really wanted, With or Without God by Gretta Vosper (and she isn't religious!).

I gave several smiles to busy clerks at a local store yesterday and shared a quick chat. The one store clerk felt bad for the girls on the till as they were SO busy. That was great of her - thinking of her co-workers.

It's been a nice season.