Well, I have been off for a while. My power went out on Friday morning at 5:15!!!! The ice is so thick and the branches were dropping everywhere. In our area, 4 days later, there are still close to 50,000 without power! And I am one of those! I did everything I could to keep the kitties warm.... I even went and bought one of those warming pads for Tabby. Poor thing, 20 years old, barely any fat on her, and she was shivering like crazy! I was bundled in 4 layers of clothes, and had 5 blankets on me as I layed in bed, trying to figure out what to do. No shelters would take animals, and I wasn't leaving my girls behind! The hotels are all booked and the prices are at least $100.00 a night. I sure can't afford that. I was in tears Sunday, wondering what I was going to do when my friend's husband pulled in the driveway and told me they finaly got power and to bring the cats and come over! We slept in the basement last night, and we were warm! I got a shower and a warm meal. And I am among other people!!!!!!!! I am so blessed!

I am at work now, having had to come in to take care of a few things. A tree went down in back of my house and took out 4 power lines, and the electric company won't do anything until that tree is taken care of. So my landlord is getting that taken care of today and she said that the power company has said I MAY have power by Christmas!

At least we have somewhere to be that is warm, and my girls and I are taken care of. God bless everyone who is working around the clock to restore power to our area, and please pray for those who have no where to go and are sticking it out in their frigid homes.

I hope to be able to check in again tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Apparently, there is another front headed our way and it is bringing snow, freezing rain and ice pellets! I don't know how much more of this we can take!

Hope everyone else in this area is faring well and staying warm. The temp. now???? 6 degrees! We would have been popsicles had we stayed in the house last night!