Wooo Furiends

I learned to do something new today. I took Mom skijoring!

It didn't go too smooth at first. I didn't realize that jumping off the trail into the trees wouldn't be a good idea with Mom tied to me on her skiis!

Then I ran off to the side a bit. I like to do that. I run that way in the dog team sometimes too!

But I figured it out and Mom stopped saying "TEHYA NO". Someone set a trail on the lake and we were zipping along down there! Skijoring is fun! Mom says it's good leader dog training for me too! Plus I get Mom all to myself for awhile!

Mom gave me some free running time cuz I was being such a good girl. I spotted a dog walking with her people on the ice!

Now that dog is my new friend, Coco. I was glad to learn that chocolate labs like to play chase and wrassle just like huskies! Me and Coco had fun! Hopefully I will see her again when I am not working and we can play some more!

Tehya the skijoring babydog!