He went out in the woods by himself and stepped in a LEG TRAP!!!
Lucky for him my parent's were outside when it happened and they heard his yelps and cried of pain.
They had to keep calling him, to keep him barking in order to find him. My dad found him first and Buddy was chewing at his leg (wouldn't YOU be??)
When my dad reached to release the trap Buddy started biting my dad, my dad used his back to pin Jr. up against the tree that the trap was tied to to hold him still while he got the trap off his leg.
LUCKY for Bud it was a small trap and it didn't have the jagged teeth. The trap only broke the skin no bones were broke.

My dad has since spoken to the neighbor who's young son put the trap out there, there won't be anymore traps!

Here's the crazy guy during a recent camping trip:

Sniffing my friend's beer!

Sleepy Jr. by the fire!