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Thread: Tragedy at the Layne household... VIDEO ADDED POST 177!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)

    Tragedy at the Layne household... VIDEO ADDED POST 177!

    Before I say this, PLEASE do not try to make me feel any worse. It just is not possible, I feel horrible.

    Andy was caught in my dryer tonight, I am not sure how long, I think about 15-20 minutes, but I did hear bumping around, and I knew immediately it was one of my kitties. I rushed in there, opened it, and found Andy bloody and open mouthed breathing. I did not think he would make it to the ER, but I rushed out of the door, praying to God the whole way...

    He is at the ER vet, but they said he looked stable, his tempature is 105, and his heart rate is very high... His tounge looks like chopped meat and his ear is all burned up. God, how could I do this to him? I cant stop crying, and what ifs keep running through my head.... They said the blood looked like it came from his mouth, from biting his tounge.

    It does not help that my husband is an as*, said he did not care, and is making nasty comments and saying that I WILL pay him back for the money this is costing. He wants to make it worse....

    All I am asking is that you all Pray, as hard as you can, that my boy will make it. Please, Please I am begging for prayers and good thoughts... I can NOT lose my sweet special boy
    Last edited by kt_luvs_kitties; 11-18-2008 at 04:55 AM.

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  2. #2
    Prayers are going up right now for Andy and that he'll recover quickly, easily and in peace. We know you would never purposely harm him or any animal. Cats have a way of getting into things w/out our knowing about it. Looking forward to a good update. Keep the faythe.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  3. #3
    Oh my gosh Katie! I hope Andy will be ok, he just has to be. You didn't know he was in there, you can't beat yourself up. You can't protect them from everything, even though we do all try.

    Andy will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope he will come home and be ok. I hope it's just some tongue lacerations, and he'll heal and be be just fine.

    Hugs to you hun, just don't beat yourself up.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    Thank you both... I really mean it.

    I cant help but be completely guilty.. I should have double checked. I should have. I know better...

    I am getting a door put up ASAP so none of the cats can even enter that room again.

    I pray he is ok. I just called the ER back, and they said he is on fluids, and still stable at the moment. I signed a paper consenting to any/all procedures to keep him alive...

    I love him, and all of my cats. Before I left, he did gum me on the mouth, and looked me right in the eyes. I hope he knows how sorry I am. I cant imagine what he went through, it makes me physically ill.

    I wanted to come here, and get support, I need a shoulder to cry on. Melissa knows how upset I am, Thank you Melissa for listening to my screaming and crying and everything. I needed it. A true friend listens to screams, without hanging up...

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Middle Tennessee, USA
    I read the first post and was immediately sick to my stomach for you. I sure hope that everything turns out ok with this terrible accident. That's exactly what it was, an accident. Please keep us posted when you get any updates.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Southern Ohio
    Oh, how horrible for Andy and for you!! Do not blame yourself. You love your babies and no matter how hard we try to keep them safe, they are cats and cats are very inquisitive and love to find things to get into. I have caught mine trying to sneak into the dryer, too. The vet will give Andy something for the pain, and it's good that they think he is stable. Major prayers going up for Andy's healing and for you, too.


  7. #7

    It's amazing how FAST a Kittty can manage to hop into an open dryer!
    And then *vanish* from sight as the door is closed.

    Please God, reach out to Andy and the White Coats - guide his return to health.

    /s/ Phred

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sending prayers for Andy, and for you.

    Sometimes I run in and check the dryer after I've started it, I'm so worried about that happening to my babies. They are so quick to get into things and spaces like that.

    ((Hugs)) to you, Katie.

    I will miss you forever, my sweet Scooter Bug. You were my best friend. 9/21/1995 - 1/23/2010
    Goodbye, Oreo. Gone too soon. 4/2003 - 9/12/2011.
    Farewell & Godspeed, sweet Jadie Francine. You took a piece of my heart with you. 11/2002 - 8/8/2016
    Charlie kitty, aka: Mr. Meowy. Our home is far too silent now. 2003-6/14/2018

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Big ((((hugs)))) to you! My heart breaks for you both. I will pray hard for your sweet boy to recover.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    I'm so sorry this has happened to you both. I'm sure you are in complete shock. It is such a blessing that he is already in the care of the vets and they are going to do everything they can. I'm sure he makes no connection to you and the dryer and what happened. He only knows that you rescued him, which you did!
    I get so worried about this same thing happening because kitties are so curious. Accidents happen but it sounds like you've got a plan that will prevent it from happening again. We all should probably get doors on our laundry rooms if we don't already. (I need one).
    Prayers going out right now and all night long that Andy will pull through and be home with you soon. I'm sure that is all he wants right now.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    Thank you all so much. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I dont know what to do with myself. Waiting and worrying and the scene keeps running through my head. Just inconceiveable. I am in shock... And heartbroken.

    I called back the ERV, I bet they are sick of me, I dont really care. They said he is still getting ivs, and that he even hissed at the Dr. when he went to check for me. I hope that they put a blanket in for him to lay on...

    I am going to go up there at about 6-7, and see how he is. They said he has no rectal bleeding, and his lungs sound stable. Labored breathing is getting better.

    Please keep up the good thoughts and prayers. Andy needs them. I need them for him. Thank you all so much.

    You think your pets are safe indoors, I always thought that I was doing the best for them, And then this happens. Poor little boy.

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Poor Andy, and poor mommy! My friend growing up had a Siamese kitten that adored the dryer - thankfully it was one incident that only took a few seconds, but required relaundering everything - including the inside of the dryer - that taught the family to sweep their hand through the dryer every time before turning it on.

    He'll be in our prayers.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Poor Andy and you! HUGS! I am so glad the vet has him on fluids...just calming his system down, and I am sure he will pull through. MAJOR PT prayers.

    It does sound like your hubby was really cruel - not to make excuses, but I think that is just his way of being really really upset. Not fair, but I am sure he was/is just as terrified about Andy as you were/are.

    Take care of each hard as it seems.

    More prayers for Andy.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Mooresville NC
    Quote Originally Posted by kt_luvs_kitties View Post
    Thank you both... I really mean it.

    I cant help but be completely guilty.. I should have double checked. I should have. I know better...

    I am getting a door put up ASAP so none of the cats can even enter that room again.

    I pray he is ok. I just called the ER back, and they said he is on fluids, and still stable at the moment. I signed a paper consenting to any/all procedures to keep him alive...

    I love him, and all of my cats. Before I left, he did gum me on the mouth, and looked me right in the eyes. I hope he knows how sorry I am. I cant imagine what he went through, it makes me physically ill.

    I wanted to come here, and get support, I need a shoulder to cry on. Melissa knows how upset I am, Thank you Melissa for listening to my screaming and crying and everything. I needed it. A true friend listens to screams, without hanging up...
    Honestly, this could happen to anyone, and its my worst nightmare. I usually check everything a million times. Washing machine, oven, etc.

    My little Moglie gets into EVERYTHING. Well I lost him when he was about 10 weeks old for about 20 minutes, I opened the fridge and almost had a heart attack when he was just sitting on the shelf next to the butter!

    He was fine, thank god, but it was an accident and he flew in there without me seeing.....Dont beat yourself up.

    Im praying for a speedy recovery for your kitty. At least you got him right to a vet, not everyone is like that unfortunately.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    Thank you all again. Saying thank you is inadequate, but it is all I have...

    I just called for another update, they swear I am not annoying them, but I have my doubts.

    Andy is still stable, getting fluids, and pain meds. Still no rectal bleeding, shock, or seizures. They said they expect him to recover, but no guarantees. That he *might* be able to come home by tomorrow night, IF he stays stable, eats and responds to the fluids. I pray he does.

    He will still need to be watched carefully just incase there is internal injuries, that have been missed. But my hopes are up. I could not be any more thankful, relieved, happy, and blessed.

    The vet tech said that just last week they had a cat, same incident, that was unresponsive and in a coma like state for a week, and pulled through. I hope that means Andy is ok, and that he will be his old loving self soon. They said he is alert.

    I dont deserve him, he is wonderful, sweet and loving. He adores his "family" and begs for attention constantly. I hope that he does know that I mean him no harm. That bothers me, that he does not know that, but I have faith that he knows that I love him and would NEVER ever want him to be in pain.

    My sweet shy boy, I am praying for you. I love you. I adore you, and I need you. Please be ok.

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

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