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Thread: im curious

  1. #1

    im curious

    What does everybody think about psychics?
    Our dog bayley is a complete wreck, I just want to know what shes thinking... She tried to climb the sides of the house, she cant hold her pee in when shes so excited or in general when anything is different, she ate all of our chairs in the backyard. I know its for attention. she isn't getting it when we are gone for a couple hours and does when we get back so what can the problem really be?!
    I dont know, Just thought I would ask opinions, good or bad kinda thing i guess!
    Hope to hear soon : )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    We need to know more. How old is she? What breed is she? How long have you had her? Have you done any obedience training with her?

  3. #3
    She is about 9 months old. She is a German shorthaired pointer, had her since 10 weeks, and I am the only one who does more intense training with her. mom dad and bother are sit stay come. I tend to be more intense. All off leash work including walking with manners next to me . When you walk in the house she jumps on you like no other dog I have met. When you sit on the couch she jumps right onto your lap. If you don't give her the attention she play bites which is getting a little pain full My theory is since she is the 3rd dog, maybe she looks at us as part of the pack and plays with us and just thinks we are part of the pack. The only thing is with me she is fairly submissive. No jumping, biting anything. With everybody else it is just getting to be too much.

    More backround, we lost out GSP about a month before we got her in an accident. It was hard on everybody. My mom brother his best friend and my uncle were all there. I wasn't with them but was in the hospital at the time and my father is a commercial fisherman and was at work. I feel like maybe they are way more lenient since it was so hard on everybody losing her. They don't want to tell her no or do something she wouldn't want in case we lose her too. one of those sad subconscious things you know you shouldn't do but you just.. do. This has created a monster and now they are realizing it. I told everybody from the beginning to be more stern. I use a stern voice and command and she continues to wag tail but still listens. She has gotten over piddling when I tell her no and being pretty dopey haha.

    I was curious since i have communicated with someone before about horses and recommend it to everybody but don't know if it would be worth it or if we just have a dog that is to ... im just a crazy hunting dog. She did come from a hunting dog breeder and was breed hard to do just that since.... thats what our goal is to do as a family. We want our dogs to enjoy the couch with us, not sit on us while we try to sit as a family, and have house manners. Trey the lab has his own back massager for his legs after a long hunt. Warm booties and warm or cold water/meals depending on the weather. Would talking to a psychic let us know maybe what she wants, or needs from us. Or again, is she just a outgoing hunting doggy that we want to turn to an indoor love pup then an outdoor hunting machine. Just confused.

    This all came from my fat lip i just received trying to sit on the couch and then having the laptop jumping into my lip after pulling her off the table. yes the dinning room table which she has climbed up onto to eat the candles... yeeeaaaah crazy puppy!

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