I have been doing a little online browsing wanting to buy some safe toys for Sunny and some of her friends. I am uneasy about letting her chew on things made in China so I came here and put "safe dog toys" in the search and this old thread came up.


As I continued searching, I found several websites that sell a limited supply of "made in USA" toys. You have to be sure to look for the small section of "made in USA" or you will see their whole inventory and MOST of the toys are not made in the USA. The ones that are, of course, are more expensive. The one I found with the biggest selection is


I also emailed them and asked if they support the SPCA or Humane society and here is the response:


We support the Payson Humane Society in Payson Arizona. We picked this
shelter several years ago when we donated Puppy Pulls for all or their
kennels in honor of friend of mom's who volunteered there. Because the town
is so small the dogs and cats tend to stay longer...so they need more loving
care. We decided to concentrate on that facility because it is small but
they have BIG hearts and a wonderful caring staff. We are also members of
the Humane Society of America, ASPCA, and Best Friends Society.

Wags and Licks,

Betsy and Norman

I placed my order and will let you all know how the toys seem.