Weekend before last we took Jack & Josh, the 'twin' kitties to my mom's trailer. Josh has never been anywhere before so this was his first big outing. He didn't take too well to the car ride, although he had done well with the trial runs we tried. Go figure.

Anyways here's some pix of the weekend...

Jack (right) giving Josh (left) a kiss

Jack (left) and Josh (right) looking out the door. You can tell which one is more comfortable sitting by the screen. lol

Josh (closest) & Jack (farthest) chilling out on the bed.

Jack (closest) & Josh (farthest) sitting on the favorite cat perch.

Jack sitting nicely, and Josh discovering the built in stereo. lol

Jack (right) & Josh (left) each interested in something completely different! lol

Josh getting his nap under the chair disturbed by mom with her camera.