My sister and I sponsored a child through Children International for several years. As my sister's illness progressed, I took it over on my own.

Seven years ago, I started sponsoring another girl, Papiya Sardar. She is now 15!! (See pics on the web page below).

This sponsorship is tax-deductible in the US only, but I am more than happy to do it. I would also like to meet Papiya - she is 30 km from Kolkatta - but can't see affording it on my own.

Children International is holding a sweepstakes where a sponsor like me can win a trip to visit their child. I get one entry for creating the webpage below - and an additional entry for each person that signs up to sponsor a child through my webpage.

I know things are tight - but maybe three people could sponsor a child (under one person's name). Or please pass this on to someone who might participate.

Thank you very much. I would be OVERJOYED to win this sweepstakes, out of all others.