Okay so I've posted a few times about Mercedes issues. She has this discharge the vet says is puss constantly unless on antibiotics and then as soon as she comes off the antibiotics she can't control her bladder and pees on the floor with blood in the urine and the discharge comes back. So for the past year we have had her on clavamox on and off trying to figure this out. She has had her urine checked to see if she has UTI. And the puss was taking for a sample a few times and again yesterday. Her vulva is also inflamed and very irritated.

So the vet suggested seeing a specialist who can take a scope and go up and have a look around to see if they see a tumor or something else that may be causing the irritation. Well the vet is iffy about this since she is 6yrs old which is old for a dane, their life expectancy is till 7. So he didn't want to put her under at her age. But now with no other options thats where we are back at. So I called the specialist and the price quote for this procedure is $1200 dollars Which isn't even removing anything if there is anything in there or finding out what the prob is for sure they just want to look around. We cannot afford this at this time. Which kills me! But theres not much I can do about it. So last night I bought some more antibiotics a different kind this time and we are gonna try save for the procedure. I'm hoping the new antibiotics just knock out an infection the clavamox couldn't. They are 100$ for 14 pills so they aren't cheap either, but we can handle that. I know $$ comes with pet ownership, but I didn't have kids when I got her. I feel so guilty not being able to afford the procedure right now. But also I am worried about gettign it done at her age.... ANY ADVICE or Ideas of what it is?