Things are absolutely C-R-A-Z-Y around here. I sometimes feel as if I'm on a roller coaster and the ride forgets to let me off, I just keep going round and round and over hills with steep drops.

Here's a short synopsis of life here in the catnapper hotel:
Hubby is still out on disability. He's working hard on getting himself healthy. his BP has dropped, but he stills stops time to time to clutch his chest. That scares me like nothing else He has lost some weight - he goes to the Dr. tomorrow for a weigh-in and BP check. He's supposed to be working on telling the kids "no" and not doing such a fantastic job of it (especially when it comes to telling Ashley she needs to be a mom)

Speaking of Ashley.... that girl can be a novel in her own right. At least a soap opera. she has her very own little stalker who does such wonderful things as slice her tires. I could spend all afternoon griping about her, but it'll only succeed in making me grumpy

Hubby's learning a LOT being home all the time. All the little things that drove me nuts.... they're taking him over the edge. Since he's now cleaning and picking up, I don't have to do it, so those little things don't bother me at all anymore LOL

He and I have been walking at least 3 miles a day. We're both doing well with weight loss. I'm doing better than he is!
Here I am in January -- AFTER about a 10 pound weight loss... yikes!

Here I am two weeks ago.... so far I've lost 41 pounds

We go to parks for walks and take Cameron with us. He prefers to push his stroller instead of ride in it

Cameron is a little sweetie. He's so smart and such a little ball of energy. I asked him to help me put groceries away and he put them all exactly where they belong!

His mom decided to give him another mohawk. Unfortunately, he is nothing more than a fashion accessory to her. She'll take him out only if its somewhere that will get HER lots of attention because she has HIM.

Hubby went and shaved it a few hours after he saw it.

And he LOVES his Nicki. She loves her little boy too. She has come alive again since he's come back. I just wish she would reverse time and become young again. She's so old. One day she's perky and puppy-like. The next she's a sad old girl who doesn't want to get out of bed. She's recently started to have potty accidents too.... I don't think she even realizes she's peed. She's been checked by the vet -- no infection. No problems with blood work. It all came back perfect. the vet just says its old age.

Thats about it. I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. Too much going on with work and my second job and watching Cam when I am actually home. I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow most nights.