Okay this is my story.....

Hi, I don't know anything about raising cats; kittens ((HELP)). You see, my daughters watched the ARISTOCATS Disney movie and now they want cats in our house ((I'm scared of them)), and they are inlove with them. So I went to a Vet, who sold me one of his 3 new born, only 3 weeks old kittens, who hardly walk. So I bought them a male persian_white ((they say this breed is good with kids)).

Anyway, after only 2 days ((TODAY)), he was breaking my heart with his meowing, so I thought maybe he was calling out for his mom or siblings, so that made me feel bad taking him away from his family, so I went back to the Vet and brought his grey sister home with me.

I thought he would be happy and they would play, but NO, he started to scratch and bite her and there they were scratching and biting in the face area!!! I don't understand!!! Why are they doing this??? I thought they would be good together!!!

Now the female ((New Kitten)) who I brought home today, is acting like her brother?!?!?! SHE BIT MY FINGER and her nails are so sharp like her brother's who likes to scratch me all the time !!! WHY is this happening? Why can't they hug, kiss and sleep tight next to eachother??? Why can't they be sweet kittens, like the kittens I read about here in PET_TALK!

He follows me everywhere, but she's scared of me!! I'm the only one who feeds her ((1/2 water + 1/2 condensed milk..... I feed them both each 2ml by the injection tube without the needle ofcourse)) and pets them.... my daughters are still young, like -3 years old, so I can't trust them with the kittens.

What should I do now? I don't want them to kill eachother and I don't know if she would get pregnant by her brother in the future, since I ordered another female on the way, which the Vet also says that there both going to be pregnant by him. Is this safe or should they not live all 3 of them together in one ((BIG))cage.

Please help me with any ideas you have for me.... what do kittens like to do, can I feed them kitten food? Everything please.

Seeking Help,