Hi Barack,
First time caller long time listener!

I won a 99 toyota pick up and I have noticed that it kncoks when I start it in the morning, Am I using the right grade of gas? And how many pounds should I inflate my tires to?


You only get your name on money when you get to be president.
Presumptive? I should say so!


I awoke this morning to the staged protest at the BO speech,

No one threw the jokers out for disrupting the speech.
The banner stayed there long enough for people to read what the message was-a jab at BO"s apparent 'talking down' to the black community.
The placement of the banner-just in the right place so EVERYONE-camera included, could see it.
HE stops the speech to discuss the problem with the protestors.
I am waiting to see if the 'protestors' are interviewed to see who they were and why they were there.

That was priceless.
Notice that the fainting groupies stopped showing up as soon as the started to become news fodder.