About the "illegals won't get HC" comment?

My opinion does not matter-here is the reality.

The Dems do not want to have to be I.D'ed for anything.....What will their stand be when they have to produce a insurance card or ID to gte care?

THAT would be the only way to insure the care goes to legal citizens in the country. (we could do microchips or forearm tattoos, that's still to be seen.)

If HC is pulled from the IAs, does BO take the chance of alienating the "Young Hispanic Voting Bloc" who have family members here illegally and have been given HC for years?

What about the people, knowing that they will be turned away from ERs/Med Centers because the are IA's? They then will only go to be seen when their condition is critical and we will have no choice but to treat them. We'll assume the cost of their care at a higher rate because they waited until they were almost dead?

What are the issues that will come up when the legal sys begins to take on clients whose loved ones died/or became sicker because the were denied/afraid/waited too long to get medical health?


The 10 p.m. "Noticiero" is in a few minutes. This should be interesting.


I didn't know he yelled, 'you lie', I thought it was just lies.
