Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
Ok, maybe the are making 70,000 people (and the unions) happy but if they don't get their tail feathers back to Washington and pass a bill to keep the government running by March 4th, more than that number will be without their pay checks next month. All gov employees, social secuity and disability people and probably others I can't think off will get shafted because they are too chicken to do their job. They don't have to vote the way the govenor wants them too after all.
They state senators are a bunch of local yokels with no allegiance to the people that voted them in, instead of fighting, they tuck tail and go hang out next door and will come back when they feel like it.

Also, the union have no effing responsibility to the members, they only want to keep the power to make money and increase union dues so they can keep their 'union' jobs.

When I was part of the SEIU those emm effers paid Jesse Jackson some outrageous amount of money, his hotel and traveling expenses to give a talk to the membership.

As far as I am concerned? That moron didn't represent me and I was irritated they (Union) spent the money to sponsor that shyster.


That is what they get for winning the Super Bowl.