Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. #3061
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonny View Post
    Those new light bulbs aren't living up to what they said they would. The light is dim & proper disposal is a problem. It is like nuclear power plant waste & what to do with it?
    I'm getting a little confuzzed here.
    Everyone is carrying on about light bulbs and a polly's inadequate knowledge of history whilst nothing is being done about Arizona's problems.
    Oh my goodness !!!! My house has just fell down. I'd better go cut the grass.

    "I'm Back !!"

  2. My definition of a "smart" or "educated" person is someone who knows what they don't know, know how to find out what they don't know and keeps an open mind to the answer.

    Bachman does not know the basics - things most people in the US learn in 5th or 6th grade. If she didn't know what state the revolution started in...if she didn't know the position of the "Founding Fathers" on slavery, she could use Wikipedia - before opening her mouth and proving her embarassing ignorance.

    Even an Aussie should be able to do the same. Arnold Schwartzenagger is no longer governor of California. By the way, he is also a Republican - so the Kennedy connection doesn't mean much. What the heck, he is not even the first "movie star" to be elected governor of California - that would be Ronald Reagan.

    Arizona's problems - what a hoot! They have far less an immigration issue than Australia does. Now what is being done about those Aboriginal people?

  3. #3063
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    My definition of a "smart" or "educated" person is someone who knows what they don't know, know how to find out what they don't know and keeps an open mind to the answer.

    Bachman does not know the basics - things most people in the US learn in 5th or 6th grade. If she didn't know what state the revolution started in...if she didn't know the position of the "Founding Fathers" on slavery, she could use Wikipedia - before opening her mouth and proving her embarassing ignorance.

    Even an Aussie should be able to do the same. Arnold Schwartzenagger is no longer governor of California. By the way, he is also a Republican - so the Kennedy connection doesn't mean much. What the heck, he is not even the first "movie star" to be elected governor of California - that would be Ronald Reagan.

    Arizona's problems - what a hoot! They have far less an immigration issue than Australia does. Now what is being done about those Aboriginal people?
    What she said

  4. #3064
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    Oct 2003
    Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Ralph Waldo Emerson was a key early American philospher, poet and writer, particularly known for his appreciation of individualism, self-reliance and intuition. He wrote this poem, which was sung as a hymn at a July 4, 1837 ceremony to mark the completion of the Concord Monument, to immortalize the resistance of American Minutemen to British forces on April 19, 1775. The poem's phrase "shot heard round the world" is now internationally famous for its description of the philosphical importance of the American revolution.

    (I've seen the Monument mentioned here, and walked over the bridge - they are both in Concord, Massachusetts.)

    By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
    Their flag to April's breeze unfurled,
    Here once the embattled farmers stood,
    And fired the shot heard round the world.

    The foe long since in silence slept;
    Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
    And Time the ruined bridge has swept
    Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.

    On this green bank, by this soft stream,
    We set to-day a votive stone;
    That memory may their deed redeem,
    When, like our sires, our sons are gone.

    Spirit, that made those heroes dare
    To die, and leave their children free,
    Bid Time and Nature gently spare
    The shaft we raise to them and thee.

  5. #3065
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    The Wisconsin Dems
    Tucked tail and ran.
    All before the vote began.

    The could not stay, the bunch were morons
    They would not give the Repubs a quorum
    Run to the next state.
    Hide your faces.

    They cannot vote with empty spaces.
    Run and hide, Don't make a fight.
    You show your colors, hidden from sight.

    Chickens squawk, deer do run.
    Out of politics, you've taken the fun.

    Taken a stand, fight for us all,
    But you choose to run to save your (bits)

    The vote is done, you're taking smack
    Maybe now, you all can come back.


    An educated person is one who knows when to let the other person use their tongues to get in trouble.

  6. #3066
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
    What she said
    Dunno.....I have her on ignore.
    That way I don't have to read rubbish

    "I'm Back !!"

  7. #3067
    Join Date
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    Seward's Folly, AK
    Quote Originally Posted by wombat2u2004 View Post
    Dunno.....I have her on ignore.
    That way I don't have to read rubbish
    And Wom delivers with the funnay!!
    I have a HUGE SIG!!!!

    My Dogs. Erp the Cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
    Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

  8. #3068
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    And Wom delivers with the funnay!!
    Don't listen to him.

    He's trouble.

  9. #3069
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
    Concord Hymn The poem's phrase "shot heard round the world" is now internationally famous for its description of the philosphical importance of the American revolution.
    It is ???
    Never heard of it.
    Now why would the American Revolution interest anyone who isn't American ???

    "I'm Back !!"

  10. #3070
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    Seward's Folly, AK
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    Don't listen to him.

    He's trouble.
    Normally I dont, that post just made me giggle.
    I have a HUGE SIG!!!!

    My Dogs. Erp the Cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
    Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

  11. #3071
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    Seward's Folly, AK
    Quote Originally Posted by wombat2u2004 View Post
    It is ???
    Never heard of it.
    Now why would the American Revolution interest anyone who isn't American ???
    Dont you collect war medals?
    I have a HUGE SIG!!!!

    My Dogs. Erp the Cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
    Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

  12. #3072
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    Quote Originally Posted by RICHARD View Post
    Don't listen to him.

    He's trouble.
    Only to some my friend....only to some.
    Wom does not forget the dirty arrogance that he was met with on his first ever joining of this forum. arrogance that can only be delivered by someone who's life must be so eFFed up that all they can do is deliver venom. be a veteran of someone elses war and be treated that way by their sad. day....when she is old and grey, she will pass away, a bitter and hateful little person.

    "I'm Back !!"

  13. #3073
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    Dont you collect war medals?
    I do mate. But not from that war.
    I have a good USA Vietnam collection tho.

    "I'm Back !!"

  14. #3074
    Join Date
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    Seward's Folly, AK
    Quote Originally Posted by wombat2u2004 View Post
    when she is old and grey
    She isnt already?

    ETA: And Wom drop the ... ... ... between thoughts it doesnt make you look smarter, it makes you look like a teenager or a grey haired old lady trying to look smart.
    I have a HUGE SIG!!!!

    My Dogs. Erp the Cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
    Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

  15. #3075
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by wombat2u2004 View Post
    It is ???
    Never heard of it.
    Now why would the American Revolution interest anyone who isn't American ???
    Just like we, as children in America, studied the wars in other countries, children not growing up in America may learn the story of the American Revolution. And that Revolution, though it had been brewing, and had many causes, had its first shots fired a few miles from where I sit typing this. So just as I learned that Archduke Ferdinand getting shot when his driver backed down an alley in Sarajevo started World War I, children in other countries may have been taught about the beginnings of the war at Lexington and Concord.

    Does not world history interest everyone to some extent?
    I've Been Frosted

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