More pictures of scary white people with guns!


Before I go on, I want to apologize to all the pink (and color gradients there of) people out there that I may have offended.

I also want to apologize for the Alamo, the fort and not the car rental place.
Taco Bell and the faux chalupas, Making you all celebrate Cinco de Mayo and the awful Tequila Hangovers that follow and for Bill Richardson.

I really want to believe he does have Latin roots, but his last name is way too anglo-cized for me to get behind his cause(s).

I'll have to apologize for Sonia Sotomayor before hand! God knows what mistakes a wise latina will make in the future.

I want to apologize for all the kids that go to spring break in Mexico and come back sunburned, drunk, pregnant, ill or pick up an STD.

I will not apologize for Montezuma's Revenge.

We warn you about the water all the time.

I kinda have to apologize for all the complaints generated about the Frito Bandito, Taco Bell Dog and Juan Valdez, the coffee dude.

JV is actually Columbian, so I have limited authority to speak for him.

So, now that we have all the 'racial' stuff out of the way, can we go back to talking about politics?



Why are the 'astroturf' people at the THMs so riled up?

YOU work/have a career for a couple of decades and have money taken out of your checks for your "Maidandcare" then wake up one morning and have the idiot you voted into office tell you you are SOL.

Then you are going to tell me that you are going to NUKE the law into effect?

Nuclear was a pretty funny word when it was mispronounced for eight years, now you want me to understand and welcome it when it's pronounced 'correctly' and it's being used to shove a HIR/HCR bill up my wazoo????

Ai Dios!

I can hardly wait for the 2010 elections.

I am going to vote hard and fast, Then ask the politicians to squeal like a pig.
It's gonna be fun being on the giving end this time around.