Quote Originally Posted by Puckstop31 View Post

The US mobilized 92 ground combat divisions, a huge Navy and Air Force and the structures to move and supply it. This kind of mobilization requires huge efforts from industry... (Jobs, jobs, jobs...) Now granted, this money was provided from the public coffers, but it was spent, mostly, on things that created REAL jobs and products/services.
One of the giant changes in the world since "the Wall" came a tumblin' down is the fact that we didn't have to produce /make/design materials/concepts or systems to keep the 'evil USSR' from taking over the planet.

We now find out that they were indeed a paper tiger, but the industries that those shmucks forced us to build were great for our economy.

GM, Raytheon, Martin, Lockheed all had HUGE government contracts and were giants among the economy here in So Cal. I can imagine that most of the workers never thought about what they did was really devoted to war.

Do we need a good war to improve our economy?

I pray that we don't, but sometimes it looks like that's what happens to get countries out of an economic funk.


Hey, if the 900,000,000 BO has promised to the Gaza Strip helps the Hamas, Hezbollah and PLO keep attacking Israel we stand to make the money back and then some, when we sell more arms and shiat that blows up in arms deals.

Then we get blamed for selling them arms, while the American Public forgets that we sent those morons (GAZA) money that they just funnel into more terrorism! Not a blip on the screen from anyone about the nine hundred million dollars that we will give away-those are the kinds of investments that got us into trouble in the first place.

Change? I don't think so.