There are still mom & pop farms hanging in there but it takes a whole family some of which work outside the farm to keep it going. Farming is likea roller coaster ride up & down. Been there did that. Eighteen years of hogs did help finally pay off the morgage though. A person has to learn to deversify & farm half the country to make a real go of it now. Seven days a week being your OWN BOSS, I use to like that.

The kids have to get off the couch & find their own way. There is a lot out there for them now & they should take advantage of it but most are to busy texting. I already lovingly (it comes from the heart) give my time volunteering hours helping out with a program for troubled youth, & mentally physically challagened adults. I still am going to draw my S.S. & it will go back into my local community. Got to start somewhere. There are a lot of non profits in my area that need volunteers & help finanically. A person gives back to which you have taken. I am confident I can do a better job of it than our government has so far.

The United Nations is suppose to be a peace keeper if I remember from my years of public schooling. It would be scary to concede our sovergnity. This country is use to doing its' own thing just like we are use to doing our own thing. Only time will tell?