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Thread: gabe and miley

  1. #1

    gabe and miley

    what a pair of characters those cats are!!!!! i tried a catnip blanket with the ten cats of thelost cats hotel it was torn to pieces the first night.i hope miley recovers soon as i know from experience that cats and collars dont mix

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    friend or foe?

    Gabe and Miley will probably always be at odds with each other. Upon the recommendation of a breeder, I tried to give the cats raw chicken parts. The breeder thought it would even out the temperments and be more satisfying than dry food. Miley and Gabe would not touch the raw stuff. Graemer ate most of his. So they got the cooked chicken after all.

    Right now I have removed Miley's Ecollar because she looked so unhappy with it on and her latest hot spot is quite small now, although still raw looking. It seems that Graemer, being the nice friend and brother, is licking it for her since the Ecollar won't allow her to do it herself. I am sure her excessive licking is due to Gabe being around. As soon as I talk to Gabe now, Miley comes running and gives me one of those LOOKS! So, I am really trying to spend lots of time with Miley these days. I am not giving up on this integration. At first I refused to entertain the thought that the problem could be Gabe's arrival, but it is more and more evident to me. But it is really Miley's problem!

    So, it seems that my Ms. Miley girl is high strung and jealous to boot. She is also insecure compared to Gabe and her brother Graemer. I have my work cut out for me. Wish me luck.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Oh Sallyanne I am feeling so sad for Miley girl and I must admit a little bit guilty. I do hope that Gabe has not been aggressive in any way with Miley that is causing this emotional upheaval and resulting in her hot spots. How do they get along on a day-to-day basis? Is there any hissing, fighting, etc. or do you think that Miley is just wishing for the good old days when she had Graemer all to herself. Sometimes us females are mysterious. We get out of sorts and our reasons are not so evident. We are a very complex gender!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont


    Pam, the breeder was not surprised with Miley's behavior. She said that female cats are very territorial and that she has one that licks herself. She changed the diets for all her cats as a result of the one cat licking.

    Gabe is fine with Miley. Miley is not having a problem with Gabe hanging out with Graemer, it is with me! She wants ME to herself. She was fine when Gabe and Graemer were best of friends.....then she had me all to herself. Now that Gabe would prefer MY company to Graemer's, she can't stand it. Well, guess what? She is going to have to get with the program.

    I was hoping and will still try the raw meat diet, once I get all the information read etc. It won't happen over night, that's for sure.

    Miley is going to have to fly right from now on or she'll be wearing that silly collar for the rest of her furry life! Nawwww, wouldn't do that to her.

    It will be fine. I think I need to change MY outlook and behavior with Miley. If you remember, or maybe I didn't mention it, but when Gabe first arrived, I yelled at Miley for being such a little witch with Gabe....and she would run from us, knowing that I was going to yell after she did her hissing etc. She stopped that and is now licking her fur off! I preferred the hissing to tell you the truth.

    I will work this out! I am determined!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    I'm so sorry to hear little Miley is still having a problem with Gabe..err...your attention to Gabe.

    I don't know if she'll ever get over the jealousy thing, but hopefully she will at least stop the licking. Tubby is very jealous of Peanut. Not to the point where they fight or anything, but if I call for her I get this black thing lumbering towards me instead of a brown one. Funny thing is, she knows it and she will eventually come too - after I call a million times - but she will not come right up to me, but will sit back aways as if to say "Mom, I know you're calling me, but as you can see Tubby is on your lap right now so there is no room for me, so I'll just stay over here." I feel bad for her, and try and get her up on my lap at the same time Tubby is there. Sometimes I succeed, but I can tell she is only staying there because I'm holding her there and she is quite uncomfortable with the whole situation, so I let her go. I try and tell her it's ok, but she wants nothing to do with it, so Tubby, the big black blob gets his way again. (I know, sometimes I'm so mean in the names I call him. ) So after about 13 years together now, Tubby is still jealous of Peanut, but they both seem to have come to terms with it, and have figured out just who is and who isn't king of the house.

    Anyway, the point of all this is I hope Miley will at least accept Gabe enough to stop licking herself. And it might help if the Graemer guy wasn't such a good brother and helped her lick herself raw. Yes, you've got your work cut out for you, but they're all such sweeties that I really hope they work out the hierarchy thing and move on - soon before Miley ends up bald.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  6. #6
    I'm sorry to hear about Miley...

    Maybe we can get Gabe jeolous and have him be the one to lick off his hair...he's got plenty of it to go around !! Seriously, sorry to hear she is upset...hopefully her and Gabe will come around soon Just cuddle her to death, and maybe she'll see that she is still Mommy's girl...i guess you might have to go out of your way to show her affection...I'm sure you show her plenty anyway...well, i hope something works out for ya...we all know how wonderful you are to kitties and I'm sure something will turn around for ya!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm sorry to hear about Miley's problem. Hopefully with time she'll learn that she has to share you with Gabe. I sure hope that she doesn't continue to get more hot spots. I have nothing against female cats but it seems that they are more territorial and sensitive to change. Good luck and please keep us updated.

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