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Thread: Had it with the Food Channel...

  1. #166
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I was watching the Ask Aida show the other day.

    Talk about BORING. IT's the old Tyler FLorence show-the one with the Gal who can't boil water sidekick-this time it's a dopey male computer nerd sidekick.


    AB is too hyper and showy-enough.

    Here are two more instances of why the TVFN channel is getting less and less time on the tube in my house.

    They didn't happen on the food channel but-I was flipping the channels and came across Mario B. cooking on the Martha Stewart show, on the next channel Paula Deen was on one of the shopping networks.

    Mario made some kind of focaccia (sp?) and Martha was 'helping' -Now, why does SHE have to do the same recipe as the cook? She was her usual Anal Retentive self-Mario made a mess and Martha had to make her batch of dough perfectly.....MB looked like he was peeved by the time they were finished with the segment.


    I then flipped it back to the Paula Deen sell-a-thon. She was selling some pre package stuff she put together......during the cooking and tasting she is talking to the host, some doofus guy that they spoofed on Saturday night live once-PD interrupts the host and starts to laugh about a piece of food she spits onto the guy jacket. She laughs again, then reaches over, picks the food off of his jacket and then puts it back in her mouth.

    I quickly turned the channel.....


  2. #167
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    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Paula Deen is everywhere. I can't get away from her. After some of the stunts she pulls on Paula's Party, we know how nasty she can be.
    Her Smithfield commercials are pretty funny. She's a terrible actor.

    Has anybody watched Aaron's show on Sunday? I think it's pretty good. He seems to be a really good cook. I think FN picked a winner with him.

    Have I mentioned lately that I'm in love with Pat Neely? I love him more and more. Look out Gina!!!!!

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  3. #168
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    Sep 2002
    Food Defective show is boring, it's an Alton Brown show without the cooking.


    Dinner Impossible is really lame now.

    I caught about 5 minutes of the "Devil went down to Georgia" show and it's really unwatchable.

    He was supposed to cook for 300 people and CHarlie Pride -I think.

    Toward the end of the show he looked into the camera and says something like, "I don't have to yell at my crew, They can do the job without me yelling!" IT's an obvious slam at Robert Irvine and he said something else that was totally off the wall.

    Then the word gets from the staff where he is cooking,to the woman running the kitchen that he is falling behind. The woman comes out and tells him that she heard he was behind schedule. When she leaves he makes a comment about how the kitchen staff should not say anything about him and his cooking-they can do the challenge.

    So he starts to spin around gets people to fix one service of all the food, so he woun't lose the challenge, then takes it to the dressing room for the star.
    Of course, it's the most delicious food ever cooked!

    I turned it after that....


  4. #169
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    I'm glad you borught this up, Richard. Michael Symon is terrible on that show. I only saw the one where he went to Alcatraz. It was so bad, I could only watch part of it. As I remember, he wasn't even in a rush and everything fell together perfectly. That didn't really fit the show's title

    I see Guy Fieri has another show coming on. How long can this guy hold up on the diet he eats without collapsing?

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  5. #170
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post
    I can't help but wonder what happened with Aaron's son that ran away from home. I haven't heard anything else.
    According to this link, Aaron's son Josh came back home, and is getting the counseling he needs.
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #171
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    Thanks, Karen. Everything is looking up for him and I'm glad. I really like him and his new show.

    I see the article mentions to go to FN to vote. I didn't know we had the chance to vote. I never heard a word about it.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  7. #172
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post
    I'm glad you borught this up, Richard. Michael Symon is terrible on that show. I only saw the one where he went to Alcatraz. It was so bad, I could only watch part of it.
    Yep, you are correct.

    It is really unpalatable!

    I was bored and tuned into the Ask Aida show again. What a diva-I have to laugh at the questions-anyone with half a brain can see that they structure the show around what they get asked.....Doofus Computer Dude is totally useless. She made fish and chips -the chips were deep fried sweet potatoes.

    THIS GOES BACK TO MY SWEET PEEVE! Everything has to be sweet. Notice all the BBQ sauces, creams and dressings! Honey, sugar-brown and white-and molasses. I love ketchup but will use tabasco over it because of the SUGAR....If you go out and get an Arby's/Boston Market's or Subway sandwich all the meats are sugary sweet. I try to make my own BBQ sauce when I can. Vinegar, some ketchup, tabasco and spices. The bottled crap-especially the honey flavored styles are just honey flavored ketchup with packets of sugar added.

    There are a few other shows that I saw were being promoted and have no desire to watch.......The Cooking in the Loft show looks like it's a show with all the tips you have ever seen on TVFN all rolled into 1/2 hour.

    The Neely's really creep me out. Her squirming and his "duh/wow/how did you do that?" look on this face! I have seen that look on kid's faces when the see a magician.

    I don't bother with RR or Emeril anymore. Alton Brown don't cook and Fieri in his TGIF commericials is all I can handle.

    The 'date' commercial really bugged me. At the beginning the girl, sitting across from her date gets up and Fieri slides in to give the dude some advice on what to order?

    He then picks something off the plate and slides out......Ugh, just the thought of having my girlfriend absorb some of his "butt heat" off the bench creeps me out. LOLOLOLOLOL....

    THe latest Jack Daniels commercial makes want to choke. There is a reason why he should pursue his cooking business.........He'll stay in the back and out of sight.
    The secret of life is nothing at all
    -faith hill

    Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all -
    Together we stand
    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

    No humans were hurt during the posting of this message.

  8. #173
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    Sep 2002
    I saw part of a Big Bite program. He beats some eggs for a breakfast dish,
    then places the mixture into the skillet.

    He takes another frying pan full of sausage and dumps that into the empty bowl where he beat the eggs. Now I have always tried not to cross contaminate food when I cook-even though I thought he was going to reheat the sausage in the eggs I didn't think this was the smartest move....


  9. #174
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    Florida, USA
    He always seems to be a nervous, hyper wreck. Especially on Big Bite. Nothing he does surprises me. I catch him in alot of mistakes.

    His new show comes on soon. Help us all.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  10. #175
    Guy Fieri gets on my nerves. He grabs food from strangers plates and they look obviously annoyed. He acts entitled every time he goes in to a restaurant getting more than just his "free sample"..

    My husband talks about how people go to "wash" their hands but all they do is run them under water and call it good.

  11. #176
    I've been so busy lately, haven't sat down to really watch much of Food Channel. What I have seen is more than enough of Guy Fieri stuffing his face where ever he goes. What the heck man?! All he does is scarf up tons of food. How is he not 500lb by this time??? His next show should be "Losing It with Guy Fieri".

    The Neely's just bug me. I like the husband, but the wife, Gina. Ugh. She is always so giggly and girly, and shaking her bootie about everything. I think the last one I saw with them was Road Tasted, where they went to a bunch of different ice cream places, and they had organic and fresh icecream. Not sure about you, but I'm tired of seeing organic slapped on everything. My mom laughs and says how my dad grows all these veggies on the farm, and the guy who farms next door sells things by the road side, slaps ORGANIC on his sign, and he and my dad's veggies and stuff sell for how much more a pound/dozen etc. She just doesn't get it. People who come and buy straight from my dad get the regular price, same with the food markets. They buy from him by the bushel, peck or whatever by the pound.

    I'm actually not working tonight, and don't have to go to work till tomorrow (Saturday) at 6pm, so maybe I'll watch some late night Food TV.

  12. #177
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    Florida, USA
    Gina Neely on Road Tasted is a joke. Once again, she tries to take over the camera and upstage poor Pat. I still love Pat and I really think he deserves better than her trying to steal his thunder.

    I love the organic thing, Jennie. I always wondered, how in the heck can we prove whether or not it's organic? Are we going to take it to a lab and have it analyzed? I doubt it.

    Did anybody see Paula Deen on the Wheel of Fortune show this week? I think it was an old rerun but I still can't get over how she was hogging the camera. She was so annoying and wouldn't shut up. No one was amused by her. For the first time, her flamboyant attitude didn't get everybody's attention.

    Guy Fieri. Holy Cow!!! He is just more than I can take. The way he eats, I always think he acts like somebody thats been deprived of food for a long time. Why doesn't he weigh over 500 pounds??

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  13. #178
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy and Delilah View Post
    She was so annoying and wouldn't shut up. No one was amused by her. For the first time, her flamboyant attitude didn't get everybody's attention.

    Guy Fieri. Holy Cow!!! He is just more than I can take. The way he eats, I always think he acts like somebody thats been deprived of food for a long time. Why doesn't he weigh over 500 pounds??
    GN was competing with PD, someone has to lose.

    I just heard that you will no longer see Emeril on TVFN. He has moved to FLN for good. Just as we suspected.

    Fieri's show is a EL clone, He will have people yelling OVER THE TOP-trying to erase "BAM" from our conscious. He could eat like a pig for all I care. It's his manners! He has none and it's irritating that the people who program the network find that his annoying personality passes as entertainment. LIke the huge bites of food he takes, the TVFN is trying to shove GF down our throats.

    THe same formula as R Ray. Saturate the airwaves with a personality and eventually we will yak it up. It's like the Nathan's Hot Dog contest on the 4th of July. You are really pumped up for it until you realize that you have watched people eat 50+ plain hot dogs.

    Another person that seems to have overloaded my gastric sensory system is Giada. Seems like every time I tune in she is flashing clevage and telling us that it's yummy or delicious. I love Sandra Lee but got burned out on her beause every thing was beautful and she wasn't flashing me and boobage!

    I went to Target and there was every RR cookbook on display-The worst part is the cover. They all have the same picture of her-looking like she drank about 18 shots of espresso or whatever she takes to keep that dopey smile on her face.

    Another offering with my cable provider is Gordon Elliot, producer of some of the programs on the channel, hosting a series where he looks for people that make pedal cars-the kind we had when we were kids- out of metal. I watched that show and it was really boring and had nothing to do with food-he probably has a deal in place that allows him to get that tripe on the network.

    I saw the winner of the last FNS competition and I like the way he cooks, but he seems like he is forcing his commentary during the show. One thing I caught was the 5-6 shots of hand washing and the way his hands look? I couldn't tell if they were all jacked up from cooking or what!

    So, I still think NIgella rocks my sauce pan and think that she is on just enough for me to look for her and wonder what kind of crumbs she'd bring to the bed.

    Of course, She'd have to sleep in the 'crumb spots'!

  14. #179
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    I just went back thru this thread and saw a post about a TVFN contest where the winners were going to go to the November 2 NASCAR RACE.

    I think it was PD and GF hosting....

    I have to look for the tie-ins and the one hour special that they will air.

    Oh, If it is PD hosting the drivers better keep their fingers in their gloves!

  15. #180
    Join Date
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    Florida, USA
    That Paula Deen is a busy woman isn't she? How many more things can that woman do at once?

    I have to agree with you again, Richard. Almost all of the FN heavy hitters are obnoxious for one reason or another.

    I have noticed that Sandra Lee and Simply Delicioso have stopped the cleavage shots. Giada is still hanging out of everything she wears.

    I keep seeing ads for Emeril moving to FLN exclusively. We get him at least twice a day here on FN. Is everyone else getting it too? I wonder if the FLN is watchable.

    Tonight is Alton Brown's new show. I'll be watching that for sure.

    Guy Fieri....Guy Fieri......Guy Fieri.......OK, ENOUGH ALREADY!!! How much more can we take? Get the remote and start pushing those buttons everybody. I can not wait to see how they yuck it up with the NASCAR folks. Wait a minute.....maybe I can wait.
    The FN is setting a bad example for this country by giving GF so much time in the spotlight. It takes away any class they might have. Suddenly, the FN thinks acting like a pig is entertaining??

    I have to tell you, Richard, after I commented on those Californians grilling lettuce, everybody is doing it. It seems to be a popular thing now.

    Lastly, the girl that does "How'd That Get On My Plate", I think her name is Sunny. She is wild and crazy isn't she? Is she the GF of the female set?

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

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