Dear my bosses irresponsible son,

You SUCK!! You didn't even show up to work today and made my day a living HELL! You know the receptionist is on vacation and I need all the help I can get. I'd rather you NOT come in the rest of the week so I don't have to hear your STUPID excesses’ about what happened and why you couldn't make it to work.

You're 20; you should start acting like it!

And stop telling people you quit your last job; we all know you were fired.
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Dear Bud,
Please baby boy, PLEASE stop keeping me up all night every night.
I can understand when there are storms, but baby boy when there appears to be no reason PLEASE stop barking in the middle of the night!
All it does is make me loose sleep and it makes Rick crabby and mad, that's when he yells at you and makes everything worse!!!

Why is it that you can not sleep through an entire night?
It's been years since I've gotten a solid night sleep.
I love you to bits Bud, but you're killing me!
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Dear office manager,
I don't know why you were fired last week; I heard it was because the other girls in the back office told the boss you were mean. OMG, they suck! You are the nicest person!
The boss sure screwed up by letting you go!
Miss You!