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Thread: Random facts about yourself.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Jersey
    -Im really picky about food
    -I overuse the word "wow"
    -I have a obsession with clothes
    -Everything has to be perfect or I'll go crazy
    -My favorite number is 16
    -I LOVE the beach, I want to own a shorehouse someday
    -I'd be nowhere without my friends
    -I get bored very easily
    -Sometimes I can't sit still
    -I talk really fast and loud
    -I perfer talking online, rather than on the phone
    -I'm extremely shy to people who I don't know too well, but crazy around friends
    -I want to be a photography when I'm older
    -I get jealous easily, I sometimes have really late reactions
    -I had my tosils removed when I was a little kid
    -I don't have any piercing.
    -Im scared of small insects, they creep me out!
    -I want 2 or 3 kids someday

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Neat thread!

    * I'm 17 years old, and haven't had a boyfriend yet, and still don't have my driver's license
    * I suffer from depression, and anger problems
    * I have loved dogs since the day I was brought home from the hospital, and met my dad's old yellow Lab, Teal (died in Oct. 2000)
    * I have a sister, and we are 13 months apart
    * I am studing and taking classes to become a veterinary technician
    * I have always wanted to own, and handle my own show dog
    * I have had a dog every single day of my life, and have only had 3 dogs
    * I wear glasses, and have terrible vision
    * My mother and I do not get along most of the time (wish we did, though)
    * I love to go duck hunting with my dad, and Rita
    * My mother is 1 of 8 children
    * My dad's sister (my aunt Lori) has 8 children, ages from 20-something - to 6 years old
    * I LOVE to shop- for myself, and my babies!
    * when I was 12 years old, I had surgery to get my ears pinned back (I look at pictures of myself back then, and I am SO glad I did it!)
    * I love the beach, but hate the ocean
    * I am a very friendly, outgoing person
    * I have been told I have a wonderful personality

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    -I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18, but I owned a car before that.
    -I was out of the closet until I was in 6th grade, then in, then out again in college
    -I suffer from social phobia and social anxiety disorder, but I'm an extrovert and I love karaoke
    -I have borderline personality disorder, with all of the symptoms
    -I sometimes disassociate from myself for hours on end
    -I have rage syndrome, 99% of the time I'm extremely placid, the other 1% is more dangerous than you could imagine
    -I've had every sleep disorder known at least once
    -Without my glasses I'm almost blind
    -I have frostbite on over 15% of my body
    -I have a really bad heart and probably will need surgery on it before I'm 30
    -I hate sugary foods, I don't eat much of anything at all, yet I'm still overweight
    -I'm the only one of my siblings that really looks native american
    -I'm an only child, but I have 5 half-siblings
    -I am one of the only people I know that hates baby animals, but I love adult animals
    -I'm allergic to dogs, expecially short, coarse hair, but I have dogs
    -I have no real phobias
    -I used to dream that evil flamingos were attacking the city
    -I have a numerical memory, I can remember dozens of digits
    -I can't remember names that well
    -I can't tell white people apart, most people would say I am white
    -I hate modern country music, but I'll listen and sing along to anything else that's playing, even gospel music if it was on
    -I was raised christopagan
    -I took 7 years of Spanish class and still can't have a basic conversation in Spanish
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia

    -I like to flip through magazines backwards.
    -Very often, I eat dessert before dinner and sometimes order something like chocolate cake or cheesecake at a restaurant before my meal.
    -I had really bad ear aches as a child and had to have my tonsils removed when I was 5. I can still hear my pulse throbbing in my ears when I lie down like I did when I was 5. Doesn't hurt anymore though.
    -If I'm walking by the tv and Animal Cops is on, I end up stopping whatever I'm doing and get completely lost in the show even if I have something important to do. Every single time. I need to see how it ends!!
    -I travelled to West Africa quite a few years ago and had an argument with my boyfriend at the time. I jumped out of the landrover we were in and stomped off down a dusty road. Then I heard rustling in the bushes next to me and something started making deep growling sounds. Ran very fast back to the truck and the boyfriend. Never knew what it was.
    -I was adopted.
    -I have a weird phobia of getting poked in the eye with a sharp object.
    -If I'm eating something and I find anything that is remotely strange, like crunching down on something when the food I'm eating isn't supposed to really be all that crunchy, or if I see anything that looks weird, like a black fleck I can't eat another bite and instantly lose my appetite.
    -I'm an official 'bug wrangler' and always escort bugs outside if I find them inside. I just can't bring myself to squish them unless of course they're mosquitos!
    -I remove the weird white stringy thing from eggs before I cook them.
    -I believe in ghosts and spirits etc..
    -I was stung by a scorpian in Mexico when I stepped on it. Rushed to the hospital where they gave me some kind of injection. My baby toe was numb for about a year.
    -A few years ago another woman and I rescued a dog from an abusive situation. This little dog got away from us the same afternoon and took off into a huge wooded area and it was pouring rain and getting dark. We searched and searched and I realized it was going to take a miracle to find her. I prayed to God to help us find her and if he would that I would read the Bible every night for the rest of my life. A few minutes later, we found her curled up inside a tree stump. That was 4 years ago and I read each night.
    Last edited by Emeraldgreen; 02-04-2008 at 11:27 AM.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    united states
    I am 23 years old.
    I have a 4 year old son.
    I have one older sister.
    Im going to be an aunt soon!
    I have 4 dogs and 2 rabbits.
    I LOVE dogs and animals.
    I still havent gone to college but want to be a teacher I think.
    Im pretty lazy.
    Im not a picky eater.
    I hate when people dont shower or take care of themselves.
    My favorite beer is Blue moon.
    Im 50% hungarian and still havent met an uncle and other family members that still live there.
    I love diet coke and ice tea.
    I love going out with friends and I get bored very easily.
    I argue alot and always have to have the last word.
    My favorite food is chicken wings.
    I love the country and love living in Pennsylvania even though theres nothing to do where I live.
    Im very unpatient.
    I HATE when people dont return my calls. ditch me or talk about me or the people I care about.
    I love choc. covered coffee beans

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Emeraldgreen
    If I'm eating something and I find anything that is remotely strange, like crunching down on something when the food I'm eating isn't supposed to really be all that crunchy, or if I see anything that looks weird, like a black fleck I can't eat another bite and instantly lose my appetite.
    ME TOO!

    1. I am 35, but people tell me I look years younger.
    2. I only grew up with 1 brother.
    3. I actually have 4 brothers and 2 sisters- one of each are deceased.
    4. My mother and her first husband divorced years before I was born yet I consider him a very good friend of mine. I never saw or spoke to him growing up, just after I was in my 20's.
    5. As a kid, I hated sweet peas. Now I will only eat them in pea salad.
    6. I love nuts. Raw peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios... yum.
    7. All I wanted to be when I was growing up was a wfie and mom.
    8. I cannot have children.
    9. I love the country.
    10. I don't have much of a Texas accent. I tell people I worked hard to get rid of it, but the truth is, I just don't have one. I wish I did. I miss home.

    If I think of anything actually interesting, I'll add it.

    I will miss you forever, my sweet Scooter Bug. You were my best friend. 9/21/1995 - 1/23/2010
    Goodbye, Oreo. Gone too soon. 4/2003 - 9/12/2011.
    Farewell & Godspeed, sweet Jadie Francine. You took a piece of my heart with you. 11/2002 - 8/8/2016
    Charlie kitty, aka: Mr. Meowy. Our home is far too silent now. 2003-6/14/2018

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I've got more too.

    -VERY picky eater, I love to eat but only things I like.
    -I hate talking on the phone unless I have something to talk about
    -I'm very manipulative
    -I can make most people laugh
    -I love spicy foods
    -English was my best subject and I always got high marks but I don't understand it and I can't spell very well.
    -I talk way very loud, I dont have a "inside voice"
    -Favorite colour is green
    -I wish someone in my family would have a baby
    -I have ADD and probly some ADHD, but apparently so does every other kid who hates school these days
    -I have to wear expensive name bran clothes
    -I'm a very jealous person
    -I don't eat ugly or deformed food (if my french frie has brown on it or is too mushy I give it to someone else) I don't care what anyone says it DOES taste different.

    *I'm 18 and do not have my license yet. I'm totally terrified of driving.
    Me too! I'm forcing myself to get it though.
    I'm so scared to go up hills and be around other cars.
    I can drive in a parking lot and I drive fine I'm just scared.
    I think once I take driving lessons I will be fine.
    See ALL my pets here


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Interesting thread- especially seeing what people choose to write about themselves. Here are a few random facts about me.

    *I have been a vegetarian for over 11 years now. I plan on being veg for life.

    *When my husband and I were dating, he went vegetarian within a month of dating me, and has never regretted it (we have been together almost 6 years).

    *I'm working on my master's degree in education now and hope to eventually get a PhD.

    *I get horribly nervous when I have to speak in public unless I am teaching a class.

    *My undergraduate degree is is psychology but I work as a piano teacher.

    *I have to be alone for at least 10 minutes a day or I get really annoyed with other people.

    *I don't watch too much TV or many movies, but I occasionally enjoy watching Judge Judy.

    *If I am nervous about an upcoming event, I usually "rehearse" it in my dreams the night or two before. I'm not sure if that helps or makes it worse.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    West Milford, NJ
    here's me:

    -I am deathly afraid of spiders and needles- so much that my mom told me I need to see a shrink!
    -I hate pickles and peppers and severely dislike tomatoes
    -I have 0 friends
    -I have no desire to ever have children- I’ve disliked children since I was a child…
    -I’m left handed but I use a scissors with my right hand- due to fact that there were no left handed scissors in my elementary school
    -I have never tried a cigarette or any drugs
    -I love to sing and dance in the shower and in the car..LOL
    -I talk to myself all the time
    -I wish I could get a tattoo but I’m too afraid of needles, and the only thing I have pierced is my ears
    -I’m halfway to being considered legally blind
    -I love listening to music
    -I’ve been passing out when I get nervous since I was a kid
    -I loved being a vet tech, but I cannot physically do the job anymore
    -I have a wonderful boyfriend that I’ve been with for 2 years now
    -I’m extremely shy and most people stay away from me
    -I am not comfortable around anyone except my mom and my boyfriend
    -I hate talking on the phone and will not answer it if it is an unknown number
    -I’m addicted to World of Warcraft
    -I’ve been married, and subsequently, divorced
    -I’m living with my mom until my boyfriend and I save enough money to get an apartment
    -I love taking pictures of my kitties
    -I have a degree in Psychology, and am looking to get a job in H/R
    -I have my own brand of humor that most people don’t get
    -I act like a dorky kid as much as possible, I find it keeps me young
    I love my furkid Neko!

    ^TAMA^ 8/24/00 - 4/27/12 Thank you for being in my life I love you always and forever

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Ashley, Michigan
    - I am the youngest of three children.
    - My sister, brother, and myself are all two years apart. ['85, '87, '89]
    - I was born on my sister's fourth birthday.
    - I was a lefty up until I was three. My brother slammed my left hand in a door, nearly severing the tip of my pinky right off. The doc's had to sew it back on and I couldn't use that hand for the longest time, resulting in my right handedness.
    - My first dog was a present for my fifth birthday. A 10 week old Yellow Lab/Dalmatian named Patches. I've been in love with the Dal breed ever since and that will be the first breed I pursue when able to get another dog.
    - I'm afraid of heights.
    - Large groups scare me to the point I begin to shake, my heart races, and the only thing my mind can think of is escape.
    - I am mildly addicted to taking myspace surveys.
    - I am a Crime Drama Junkie.
    - I am 18-years-old and do not have my driver's liscence, nor do I have a desire to get it.
    - My best friend is 3 years younger than me, lives all the way across the country, and I have never met her face-to-face.
    - I work at a Theraputic Riding Center
    - My favorite smells in the enitre world are horse, rain, puppy breath, and Axe.
    - I love photography.
    - Nothing makes me feel more complete than being in the saddle.
    - I love to read and have loved to read from a very young age.
    - My favorite feelings in the world are being in the saddle, a puppy in my lap, rain on my skin, and a baby in my arms.
    - I can't swim worth a crap, but I love being in the water.
    - Jellyfish scare me if they're not on the other side of the glass.
    - I think Gollum from LOTR is cute. [He has very nice eyes!]
    - I love kids, but am a little chicken and am therefore afraid of labor. I'd love to adopt someday, though.
    -I have dozens of story ideas floating around in my head, but find it impossible to voice them, be it spoken or written word.
    - The horse I love most in this world is not, in fact, one of my own. This makes me feel incredibly guilty.
    - I do not like men and have actually growled at a few before.
    - I love to bark and have been told that I'm rather good at it.


    - I'm a terrible procrastinator.
    - I've never worn make-up in my life and I bit the last person who tried to put it on me.
    - I've never had my hair cut, only trimmed.
    - I'm a highly protective person.
    - I get jealous pretty easily.
    - There has never been a time in my life that we did not have at least one horse, dog, and cat.
    - I was riding before I was even born as mom rode all the time whilst pregnant with me. And then after that, I was in a pack on her back, waving at passerbys, until such a time that I could hold myself up on a horse.
    - I love dogs, but horses are my passion.
    - I have a fan running year-round. No matter if it's 90 or 9 degrees. I have to have the sound to sleep.
    - I always sleep with a radio on, as well. And often read with both my fan and radio on, as I can't stand silence.
    - It bugs me to no end when people just leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot instead of putting them in the cart corral or taking them back inside. I often stop and pick up several carts on my way in and put them away. [I make exceptions for the mothers that can't leave their little ones in the car alone while they take care of their cart, or the elderly/disabled. But I find that there are no excuses for the rest of them.]
    - I used to have a problem with cutting myslef.
    - I prefer men's deoderant. [Heck yes for Axe, baby! XD]
    Last edited by The_Duck; 02-05-2008 at 01:55 AM. Reason: I keep thinking of more stuff! XD

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Duck
    - I do not like men and have actually growled at a few before.

    Neat thread! I really feel like I'm getting to know you all a bit more.


    -My lifelong dream is to become a veterinarian.
    -Recently, however, I've had a burning desire to become a dog trainer.
    -I love agility with a deep passion, and it is sometimes the only thing keeping me going.
    -Um...I'm procrastinating as I type this

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by neko1
    here's me:
    -I have 0 friends
    -I have no desire to ever have children- I’ve disliked children since I was a child…
    -I’m left handed but I use a scissors with my right hand- due to fact that there were no left handed scissors in my elementary school
    Hey, we are your friends!

    And as for the other one, I can cut equally well with left-handed or right-handed scisssors, as Ma was a lefty.

    I can write legibly left-handed, though I write slowly that way. I am completely right-handed, but would practice writing left-handed when I was bored in elementary school.

    My normal handwriting is based on italic calligraphy
    I've Been Frosted

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    - I am left-handed. I can do everything except write, with my right hand. I was too shy and embarrassed as a child to ask for left-handed untensils and such.
    - I'm slightly germaphobic. I have four toothbrushes and I sort of rotate using them. I also have to rinse them with really hot water for about a minute before I use them.
    - I hate showers. I hate taking a shower, (I do, trust me!) but it just goes along with my germaphobia. I just think showers are really gross places (ironically).
    - I always have to sleep with a blanket by my head.
    - I love love love being barefoot in the summer.
    - But I HATE feet. My feet are gross. Ew. ><
    - I put others before myself constantly. I always aim to make others happy.
    - I LOVE my job. Love it. (I'm a dog groomer.)

    I'll think of more later. =]


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I just though of a few more...

    *When I was born my heart and overies (sp?) were twice the size of normal (still are) and my bladder was 1/2 the size it was supposed to be.
    *When I was 8 I underwent my first and only surgery to expand my bladder.
    *I've almost died twice. Once from dehydration and the second from pnemonia.
    *I love falling asleep to the sound of Nathan breathing.
    *I can't tolerate any change. I completely panic.
    *I can't swim.
    *I'm addicted to online surveys.
    *I love to read and will read anything-and I must read while I eat.
    *I eat dessert first.
    *I love microwave meals.
    *I check my e-mail several times a day and I live for when the mailman comes by-I even love junk mail!
    *I cried when Nathan could hold his head up, sat up by himself, crawled, pulled up, cruised, said his first word, took his first step, learned to run, and just today when he used his fork by himself several times in a row.
    *I often think of Nathan as being my own and forget at times that he is my brother's
    *I am the youngest and only girl.
    *I bite my nails
    *I still call myself a blonde even though my hair is turning brown.
    *I hate when other people take my picture but love to take pictures of myself.
    *I usually go to bed at around 12:30 and wake up from 8:30 to 9
    *I've never had a job.
    *As soon as I get money the first person I think of is Nathan-even though he has too much of everything already.
    *My best friend is married to my first love and they have a baby together.
    *I've dated someone because I've felt sorry for them.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter's Mom
    7. All I wanted to be when I was growing up was a wife and mom.
    8. I cannot have children.
    Same here, ironic isn't it?

    • I just turned 42
    • I have been married for 21 years to a wonderful man. I was married once before him.
    • I had twin sisters who died before they were 6 months old
    • My parents have been married for 46 years
    • I love reality shows-Survivor being my favorite
    • I no longer have a thyroid and will be taking a substitute for it for the rest of my life
    • I have 9 tattoos, the largest one starts on my should and goes almost to my knee
    • I quit smoking 3 years ago
    • I have the TV on from the time I come home until I go to be...can't stand the quiet
    • I LOVE my DVR!
    • I HATE spinach, peas and liver
    • When I'm at the dog park I feel I can relate to the dogs better than the people
    • I have one brother-8 years younger than me
    • Bowling is one of my favorite sports to watch

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

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