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Thread: re intro

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    re intro

    Hi my name is Donna and I own and show Rottweilers.
    I made a sudden move in Dec and just got back on line a few days ago.
    I am also an animal artist I draw in dots.
    Hope to get back on track.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Welcome, and welcome back! We'd love to see your Rotties! I'm Karen, one of the moderators, and my pet is Miss Hoppy, the little brown bunny you see as my avatar.

  3. #3
    Hellow, and welcome to Pet Talk. Or welcome back. Either way, welcome. We would looove to see pictures fo your rotties!

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    Welcome, and welcome back! We'd love to see your Rotties! I'm Karen, one of the moderators, and my pet is Miss Hoppy, the little brown bunny you see as my avatar.
    One of two. The other moderator is Paul, which is Karens husband.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

  5. #5
    The way to do the pictures is you click on the image adder on the second toolbar then copy in the images address. All it does is it adds the [IMG][IMG/] tags to the web adress.
    Such as in this picture:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Hello Donna and welcome to PT! It is lots of fun here. Great to have another peson in conformation, we do have a few members involved in either conformation, agility, or rally. I am not in either, but I love looking at your photos and reading your stories, so please start posting!

    Photos: To put them in the text of your message, you need th pics on your computer.

    Then open a FREE photobucket account. Set up a sub album and name it; I use the day of my post to Pet Talk. The click so you are IN that album, and then upload your photos.

    Next start your new thread. In the text area, you put in the IMG codes from the photobucket page under the photo you want.

    Don't worry, drives us all a little nuts the first time or two. Then you start clicking away as if you were born knowing how to do it!

    Glad to have you with us!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I have a photobucket account,(I use it for my web site).But when I added the pictures yesterday they came up red x's.I added Elwood off my computer.
    maybe it's just me.....
    I had a hard time with my computer when I started it up (all by my self.)I pluged the internet phone line into the wrong place.I had 5 people trying to help me figure it out and it was me not the computer.
    I can turn them on and off and cut and paste with the best of them...but anything else.......Help.....
    Hope to meet lots of new friends and connect with old ones.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Welcome! It's great to see another conformation person here! Your rotties are simply stunning!
    Thanks so much Ashley for the siggy!
    Zoey Marie NAJ NA RN (flat-coated retriever)
    Wynset's Sam I AM "Sage" RA (shetland sheepdog)
    T.j (english setter)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Thanks Flatcoatluver,
    Conformation is so much more fun then Obed....
    But I have a working dog so all must have Obed titles too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Welcome to PT Donna!! I love your Rotties!! They are just stunning! I have a huge soft spot for Rotties, I have loved and owned Three. They are all at the Rainbow Bridge now, someday I will find another Rotti, to welcome into my home. All my rotties were Rescues.

    P.S I just went to your website, and you are an amazing artist!! I just love your work!!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Thanks Maggie,Rottweilers are a great breed,but they get a bad rap because of the people who own them.
    I'm hoping fo a little girl soon.I really like the girls.

    The art work is very relaxing.I've been so busy down loading all my drawing to my store That I have not had time to draw.I do have a nice Tri-APBT that I want to draw.The guy who owned him is really nice sao I'm going to draw it and give it to him....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by rutylr
    Thanks Maggie,Rottweilers are a great breed,but they get a bad rap because of the people who own them.
    I'm hoping fo a little girl soon.I really like the girls.

    The art work is very relaxing.I've been so busy down loading all my drawing to my store That I have not had time to draw.I do have a nice Tri-APBT that I want to draw.The guy who owned him is really nice sao I'm going to draw it and give it to him....
    Awwww...that is nice. I am sure he will love the pic!

    Yeah the rottis Do get such a bad rap, our Last Rotti we got while we Lived in Albany, and he was a very dog aggressive boy, and was going to be put down, till we got him. He was the biggest sweetest boy you could ever meet! Within a few months with us, he Began to love being with other dogs. All he needed was some love, and proper training. Here is a pic of baby Zues who we lost 2 yrs ago to cancer, he was only 8 yrs old.


    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    He looks like a wise old man.
    It is always sad when they leave us.They are never here long enuff.
    My zelda left me just after she turned 12.
    I could not remember my life without her.I still celebrate her birthday,
    Here she is on her 10 birthday(which happens to be in Dec.)

    This is my favorite picture.It is my D-Litter all nine of them

    this was the last picture she took and they were all tired.Dora Mae is even sleeping.

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