This is so cool - it's affordable, easy, and totally harmless!

Get some vitamin E capsules. Puncture one end, squeeze some onto your finger, and offer it to the overweight cat. Apparently it tastes really good to at least some cats. If Garfield likes it, let him have AS MUCH AS HE WANTS - cats CAN'T overdose on vitamin E, and in sufficient quantity, it controls appetite!

I learned this totally coincidentally, from trying to smear it on some ouchies on my cat's face. He was much more interested in licking it off my hands before it got to his face. So I looked it up, and while it may or may not have been any help to him, it's apparently a safe, reliable appetite suppressant in cats.

I also learned that catnip is an appetite STIMULANT! Yep - it gives them the munchies!

Love, Columbine