OK, i don't have permission or anything to be posting this, but my heart feels like it is going to burst if i don't talk to someone. Therefore the only name or specific posted in this will be the dog's name. If asked, i WILL remove this thread. Please respect staying mum on specifics if you do know the situation i'm talking about.

OK, now that I'm done with that little disclaimer, onward to the post.

A PTer got into a sad sticky situation and a dog (not theirs) was lost to the rest of us. Part of the agreement to the PTer getting a life line was for them to forget about Bear. Well, that stipulation doesn't apply to the rest of us PTers (And i would have done everything in my power to help save this dog. I would have contacted everyone i know to put out an SOS. All i would haved needed was the go ahead. )

My heart has been breaking and i think about Bear almost every single day. I don't know why or how this dog weaseled it's way into my heart, but this special Rott has.

Last night i was posting stuff online when all of a sudden the image of this dog popped into my head and would NOT go away. I had a very hard time concentrating on anything else all night. I had a very bad feeling and I'm hoping it was nothing, but i felt like bawling my eyes out. I feel the same today. (But I'm so very very tired and my body hurts. It's definitely not one of my better weeks. I think I would be bawling my eyes out if i wasn't so exhausted.) The feeling was different today, not in a good way either.

It's just so weird dealing with these emotions in this unique situation.

If you don't want to post here go ahead and and email me at adopt_koli*AT*yahoo*DOT*com Put in the subject line To: Crow re: Bear (or use the email link in my profile... but it might take me a couple days to get to you at that email ...since no one ever emails me anymore i forget to check it sometimes.)