Fredo the Fearless Good morning little man! Oh, there's something about you Chi's that just lights up my heart, makes me smile from the inside out! Such spunk, such spirit, such heart! And while you may be a wee one in "size" Fearless Fredo, I have no doubt that you can hold your own with the "big boys!" A 3lb. Rottie??? Make that a 3lb Mastiff! You are simply too cute for words! What a lucky Mom, having a pupperoo as special as you, cutsie pie! Congrats, cuddles and kisses you to you adorable, Fredo! Kick up those paws and enjoy a super blowout, Dog of the Day bash with your good ol' Mom, your Chi sibs and all of your adoring friends and fans! And thanks for the Rottie sized smiles!