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Thread: Sherman #369 He is gone.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    poor baby!!......

    sending husky healing vibes to our precious boy!!

    wooo wooo roooo
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    she will be deeply missed.......Thank you for letting us be a part of your life, you will surely remain in ours FOREVER........R.I.P. Dear Corinna

    Best Fireman in da House´10
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    notes-to-my-husband blog

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I don't know if your vet has considered that he might have aspirated a foreign body? If so, he will cough and cough, might have ups and downs, and might cough up blood. He could also get a pneumonia behind what he aspirated, so he might have a fever and secretions. It wouldn't explain the eye goo you mentioned in your first post.

    The way to make the diagnosis is to do a bronchoscopy--if you do this, it should be done by a specialty vet who has experience (and equipment) with the technique. Dogs have large trachea's compared with humans, so its not really very risky, but if he has something down there he won't get better until it gets out. Its also possible that he had aspirated something and he coughed it out, and now his trachea is scratched up (he may still cough with this)--steroids should help the swelling if this is the case.

    Good luck.

    Jakes mom

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    The vet put Sherman back on an antibiotic for one more round. This one is cephalexin. If he has more coughing episodes, the next step will be chest xrays. Here's hoping the pills do the trick.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Here's a get-well [[[[[HUG]]]]] for Sherman. Get well soon , sweety!!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

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    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
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    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

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  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Come on and beat this thing Sherman!
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Athens, GA

    Canine Flu

    After you said he had a fever thoght I should post this.

    June 15th, 2007. Susan Macfarland sent us this web site information from a veterinary clinic near Arlington, VA:


    On Wednesday May 23, 2007 a dog presented to the Burke Veterinary Clinic in Burke, Virginia with symptoms of acute onset of fever, nasal discharge, cough, innapetance, and reluctance to move. These symptoms are consistent with several diseases, but the history suggested Canine Influenza. The dog lived in a restricted environment, but was at the Dog Park on Monday May 21. The illness developed that night and progressed to a dire medical event by Wednesday.

    Nasal swabs were tested for influenza by the X-PECT FLU A+B test at a local human hospital. These tests were positive for influenza. Official confirmation will require a sample in 2 weeks to be sent to the testing lab at Cornell University.

    The impact of this discovery is serious for the dog owning population because Canine Influenza has a 5% fatality rate, and at the present time there is no effective vaccine. This dog contracted the virus from one of a group of dogs that was playing outdoors at a dog park. The virus is spread by aerosol means. Your dog cannot pick it up from the environment. It is advisable that dogs be kept away from each other until an effective vaccine is available. This means NO DOG PARKS, NO INDOOR GROOMING, NO BOARDING KENNELS, NO GROUP DOG TRAINING CLASSES. The initial presentation mimics Kennel Cough. The distinction is that Influenza usually causes a high fever. Influenza also presents in a similar fashion as Canine Distemper Virus, but this virus has been all but eliminated by proper vaccinations
    Further information is available at the Center for Disease Control’s website
    and at Remel (Xpect Flu A&B Test Kits).

    Dr. Russell comments:

    Dog Flu is a new disease (H3N8, 2004). It is a respiratory virus that was transferred from horses to racing Greyhounds and it has subsequently evolved to be a separate, canine adapted virus. This is how viruses evolve: it is termed an "emergent virus." In this case, the first widespread epidemic occurred in 2005.

    New viruses can be dangerously virulent because the host species, in this case dogs, have not been associated with them previously and hence have not evolved any successful antivirus immune responses. Further, the virus, coming from another host, is "unsubtle" in its impact on a new host species. It has not evolved any mechanisms that allow it to quietly lurk and reproduce in its new host species.

    Should you be concerned about Dog Flu?
    While data are scanty, it appears that dog flu has an infection rate of 16% (16 of 100 dogs exposed to canine flu will develop the disease). Of those, 1-5% will die.

    Thus far, the canine flu has proven easily transmitted, but with low mortality. Previous estimates of mortality range from 5-8% in Greyhounds to 1% in other dog breeds. To put this in perspective, West Nile Virus has a mortality of >35% in the American Crow and is currently responsible for enormous population declines in more than 13 species of North American birds. The 1918 Spanish flu [H1N1] pandemic had a mortality of less than 5% in humans. The current H5N1 Bird Flu is not epidemic yet in humans; it has a frightening human mortality rate of 50%.

    Dog flu outbreaks have appeared this year in several states. In February and again in April, there were outbreaks in Pittsburgh animal shelters. In March, UC Davis (CA) confirmed three cases of dog flu, two in San Francisco and one in Colorado. This June, the dog flu has appeared in VA (see above) as well as south Florida. Since 2005, Cornell University has tested 5133 samples for dog flu; 857 from many states were positive (as of March; see:

    The dog flu is not transmissible (yet) to either cats or people. Note that of potentially great future concern, Russian authorities have reported that in Azerbaijan, a stray dog contracted bird flu in March of this year (; it had likely eaten an infected bird.

    BREAKING NEWS: Today, the 27 countries of the EU approved the first canine flu vaccine called Optiflu made by Norvatis. It has not yet been submitted in the US for FDA approval, so we're out of luck here.

    If you dog develops a kennel cough-like cough, you should take him to the vet, especially if the dog has a fever. Please monitor the state of canine flu in your area. Avoid dog-dog contact in areas where outbreaks are known (currently, Virginia and Pennsylvania).
    (c)2007 Dr. R. J. Russell & the CTCA

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by cyber-sibes
    Welcome to Pettalk, and I'm glad you posted. With the anit-biotics & cough meds, Sherman was good for almost a week, but yesterday he started coughing & gaging something terrible. He coughed numerous spatters of blood, and at one point some gobs of blood-laced muccus. He coughed so hard for so long that our new neighbor came out and asked if he was ok - said they could hear him and were afraid he was choking on something. Me thinks we'll be heading back to the vets on Monday.
    In the meanwhile....I massaged his neck quite a bit, he finally stopped coughing. Got a pediatric grape-flaored cough syrup that he will take more willingly than the adult stuff. I also melted down some root-beer flavored cough drops & gave them to him last night. But he's obviously not feeling well - he's extremely lethargic. I slept downstairs next to him and he was quiet all night, but I hate seeing my sweet boy so out of it.
    Please send some good thoughts his way.

    i hope sherman feels better soon. i understand how you feel... must be hard on you.

    thanks to the suggestion i read in one of the posts about getting a children's guaifasen-based cough syrup, my dog is feeling a bit better...

    all the best to sherman...

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by cyber-sibes
    I don't think Sherman got a shot of antibiotics. He took doxycycline and temaril-P. He also received vaccinations for Lyme & rabies.

    He slept all day, and even walked away from his dinner - now that's a first. We just got back after a couple hours running errands, he was up and looking a little brighter. He came in & polished off what Star left behind of her dinner, so I guess his appetite is back. The vet mentioned the possibility of pnemonia and/or allergies if his cough didn't improve, so we'll see. He did not have a fever at the vets, and I don't think he has one now, I'm sure they'll retake it tomorrow if they want to see him.
    They really shouldn't have given him vaccines while he's sick - his immune system is already fighting something, and vaccinating while the immune system is already suppressed a bit is always a bad idea.

    This sounds similar to what my puppy Molly went through when I got her. The vets, and the specialists who we saw at the emergency animal hospital ALL told me not to g ive her cough syrup, especially if her cough was productive even a little bit - because the cough suppressant will mean that the gunk doesn't come out of his lungs, because he won't be coughing as much.

    I hope he gets better soon. Doxycycline is what my puppy was on for a while, but she wound up needing to be on IV fluids because she got so lethargic and lost her appetite.

    Sending prayers for Sherman! I hope it's not pneumonia

    Thank you Kay for the awesome siggy!!!

  9. #39
    Interesting articles. And if the Sherman has a touch of it or some other virus such as para-influenza, then another round of a wide spectrum antibiotic such as Cephalexin to prevent secondary bacterial infections should speed recovery. Note: Sometimes Cephalexin can cause nausea. Consult with the Vet if it occurs.

    What the article actually said was:

    For the time being, you may now return to boarding kennels, grooming parlors, group dog classes, etc. I am not a fan of dog parks unless the owners use them as "PLAY DATES" with only dogs that are very familiar with each other. DO NOT LET YOUR DOG GET CLOSE TO DOGS YOU DON'T KNOW WELL
    Approximately 90% of owners dealing with dog health issues is common sense. If you have a sick dog in the neighborhood, you keep yours away from it. Otherwise there is no reason to confine your dog to the house.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Just seeing this now. I am so sorry to hear that handsome Shermie isn't feeling so good. I think he just wants to make sure you get to know the new vet real good. I hope the cephalexin helps. Feel better soon, Sherman.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    I have a question regarding this medication, Cephalexin. Has anyone had any experience with this? I've been reading up on the side effects, and wondered how other dogs responded.

    Sherman has had 3 doses now, and I noticed him trembling slightly. (his head & ears) This is NOT listed among its known side effects, so it may or may not be related. Dizziness is listed, so maybe he just feels a little woozy? I did read a couple accounts of dogs whose hindquarters seemed to go weak while taking this drug. He's leaking pee, too, but that is listed as a side effect.

    I'll call in to the vets if he's still shaking tomorrow.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    I use Cephalexin all the time. I always have a stash of it on hand at home. It's my vet's drug of choice for puncture wounds. A couple of the dogs get a bit nauseous with the first couple doses, but that's the only negative side effect I've seen.

    Has Sherman been eating and drinking? If he hasn't been, that could be contributing to his symptoms.

    I hope he's feeling better soon.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    When Diamond tore herself up on the fence, the vet put her on two big bottles of Cephalexin. She didn't have any side effects from it.

    I'm sorry Sherman is not feeling well. Poor guy, I hope he feels better soon! You both will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

    "We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals"

    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  14. #44
    Both my Lacey and RB Mandy have taken Cephalexin many times with no problems. I am keeping Sherman in my prayers.
    Forever in my heart...

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Pat, some meds need to be taken with food, not on an empty stomach. I see someone asked if he is eating and drinking.

    You can wrap the pill in some peanut butter if above is the problem.

    I hope Sherman recovers quickly!

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