I just took my older kitten, Maximus, to the vet and they did a blood test, and told me that he has Feline AIDS.

Our vet told me that he cannot pass it to our younger kitten from sharing a bowl or grooming each other, only through deep bites, but there seems to be conflicting info on that on the web.

Maximus is 4 months old, and from what I'm reading, kittens can show false positives until they are 6 months old, from antibodies in the mother's milk. Hopefully this is a false positive. We're having him retested in a couple of months to make sure.

Anyone have any info or tips about FIV?? I don't want my baby to get sick. We keep him indoors, and we're going to make sure that the cats don't play too rough together.

Right now he's perfectly healthy, which is good. If anyone has any advice on how I can help him stay that way, please let me know.