Well, I always know that Zippy was a very smart cat. Many years ago, he called the police on us when we wouldn't open a door for him (see COTD July 14, 2001).

Zippy used to be an indoor/outdoor cat but since we moved, we thought that the street was too dangerous so we've been keeping him in. Naturally, Zippy is very negative about this turn of events.

There is a cat door in the garage but we keep it locked. Today, Zippy solved his captivity problem by disassembling the cat door. I mean, he took it apart so that it fell apart and then he walked right out. Let me repeat, MY CAT TOOK MY CAT DOOR APART. What kind of animal are we dealing with?

We found him right away and brought him in, and I put the door back together. Whoever put the door in had done it wrong, and Zippy found out.

What a cat! What an engineer! I have people working for me that aren't this good!

I think Zippy understands that we're keeping him in for his own good, but he just likes to show us that he doesn't have to go along with it.