Scooter's Mom- Thank you, that gave me a laugh! I don't really realize how "southern" I am until someone points it out! LOL! I get that a lot on the boat..

I have new neighbors that moved in and they Hispanic, she said she would teach me Spanish if I would help her with her English.. I told her I could teach her "deep south english!"

Sista, what happened to the "OLDBAT"? "Oldbat" was a nickname her husband gave her many years ago and it has stuck all these years and we all love it, even her! I got her a bat birthday cake one year and as gifts, over the years, she has a collection of bats. I think even at one time she bought a sign for the house that said "The Oldbat lives here". I am a bit dissapointed you didn't sign up as the "Oldbat!".