I'm looking for suggestions.

Cosmo keeps me up all night. Last night was the last straw. I'm crashing at work right now. I'm totally exhausted. Cosmo wakes me up every 2 hours to either eat or be patted. The last time I had an complete 8 hour sleep was when I went on vacation....3.5 weeks ago. I don't know what to do.

I can't close the bedroom door because that would freak Fenway out and Cosmo would just sit there and meow & scratch on it.

I can't use baby gates because again, that would freak Fenway out and Cosmo would probably try to climb it and meow & meow and then the thing would probably fall on him as he tried to climb it...and he's pretty frail.

Does anybody have any suggestions? He's got kidney disease and he's 11 years old. Should I bring him to the vets? What do you think? I use nightlights for him so he can see at night. He used to howl until I got the nightlights.

I'm at a loss as to what to do.

Please help me.