So not too long ago my friend Beki was over and she noticed something really weird on my fish SeaKing. I was surprised I hadn't noticed before, I guess I am so use to my fish never catching anything that I wasn't looking for it. But SeaKing had a really weird line of cottony, whiteish looking spikes sticking out of one side of her tail. It literally looked like whiteish brownish spikes.

So I read up online and the only conclusion I could come to is fungus. And I also noticed that Sir Knight had a little bit of it on his fin too, just not as bad. Anyways I went to the store and bought some Fungus Eliminator and put it in. And after two days something really weird happend. The Part of Seaking's fin that had the thick line of spiky white stuff fell right off.

I woke up and saw a big peice of fin on the gravel and then looked over at SeaKing and it looks like his tail was sliced perfectly off where that white stuff had been. Here's what it looks like now after the fin fell off.

This is before when he had no problem on his fin:

And this is after he got the problem and it fell off:

Soo, what I'm wondering most is if this was actually fungus or not? If the fin falling off was it's own way of healing by getting rid of the infection? If anyone has ever seen this happen before or not.

SeaKing is doing great and fine! He's happy and doesn't even act like the missing peice of his tail bothers him. And it wasn't the other fish that took it off either, it fell off itself, like it dissinigrated right through to the other side of the fin.

My other fish Sir knight is doing great now, his fin is great and healed now

Anyways if anyone knows anything it would be greatly appreciated!