Some of you know me, but many of you do not. I have been with Pet talk for a few years now. Slowly I have become more of a lurker then a poster, but I do check the board everyday for new information and updates on all my old friends.

I wanted to share some very exiting news with you guys. A gal at my work offered me an internship with her in Alaska at a Museum of National History. I had to fill out a big application, do some phone interviews with the owners but I am finally 100% excepted into the program!! I'm leaving May 26th and won't be back till late September or, if I'm loving it there, I may not come back till late November! My room and board are all paid for plus I get $75 a week for food from the museum. I am probably going to be getting a small part time job that I only have to work like 20 hours a week at just so I have a little more income.

My mom is going to be watching my dogs and my rabbits while I'm away. While it breaks my heart to leave them and it makes me cry every time I think about the fact that they most likely will not greet me like normal when I get back, I really do feel this is something I need to do. My life has been so blah lately that I'm exited to have this HUGE change come along. I will write more often and try to keep you guys updated on how things go. The museum will have wireless internet so I will be able to log onto Pet talk and say hi.

Wish me luck guys, I’m so scared to leave my babies and my home behind for 4 months. I really hope this turns out to be all I expect it to.


PS: Sorry I wrote a book.