Sweet, handsome Hamlet!!! Nothing warms my heart more than the sight of a happy, healthy, seasoned citizen as our featured honoree But regardless of age, you are one of the handsomest kitties I've ever laid eyes on; I'm having visions of caramel and vanilla ice cream So, what is the secret to your youthful, good looks??? I'm sure living the good life in the wilds of Alaska has kept you hearty and all of that traveling, life on the road, young at heart I'm sorry to hear about your recent bout of illness Hamlet but so relieved to know you're back in full form, bulked up and enjoying each and every moment of your wonderful life I hope you're enjoying a very warm and cozy Cat of the Day celebration with your devoted human and all of your countless, adoring friends and fans What a most deserving honoree you are! Hugs and kisses to you, sweetheart! I wish for you many, many more happy years with your dear person