Cat moms like it quiet and safe for their kittens. If you have a household of people (and other pets) tromping in and out of the area where the kittens are, mom is going to get nervous. If you have kids who make a lot of noise, giggling laughing ooohing and ahhhing and/or trying to handle the kittens, mom is going to get very nervous and feel the kittens are in danger. Any new mom human or cat does not want a flurry of activity at first. They need to eat and sleep and get rest and feed the baby/kittens and clean the baby/kittens. So find a guest room or a bathroom where they can have some peace and quiet. Give them a box big enough for mom to stretch out and nurse. Put mom's litterbox and food in the room, close the door and give them some peace and quiet. If you must be around them, keep the noise level down. In a week or so you can be around them more and start handling them ever so gently. Supervise young excitable kids. I have been through this and work with a cat rescue group and this is what we always tell people. Good luck.