I found this website and it's quite interesting! The question popped up, What is a puppy mill? This is what they said...

So what is a PUPPY MILL anyway? A puppy mill has many definitions and could be any one of the following depending on who you talk to:

○Someplace that keeps one or more breeds and continually has puppies for sale.

○An unhealthy, disgusting place where one or more breeds are kept in deplorable conditions and again puppies are continually available.

○Somewhere a single breed is kept in healthy condition and puppies are continually available.

○A place where many dogs are raised, where the sole purpose of breeding is for financial gain instead of for betterment of the breed, and the puppies are sold to anyone, including brokers or pet stores;

○ As many dogs as possible are kept in the smallest space feasible with minimal contact.

In my opinion I find nothing wrong with buying dogs or kittens from pet stores. You will only be saving the puppy or kitten. Puppy mills will NEVER EVER go out of buisness so you might as well buy the animals from pet stores otherwise they will be PTS anyway. What do you think about pet stores? Here is more info on puppy mills. ▼
