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Thread: Mean cat? or what

  1. #1

    Mean cat? or what

    Okay. So I have this 6 1/2 month old cat. she is black. ive had her since she was like 7 weeks. she is healthy and all. she was fixed about a month ago. well the problem, she has always been mean, aggresive I dont know what you would wanna call it. she is so hyper. there are 4 other cats in the house too. she is always pickin a fight with them or playing with them/ i swear people she is so angry. she always seems like shes mad or something. but I live withmy bf and his parents and they all love animals and we have NEVER ever been mean to my black kitten Zoey. she is jus mean. she gets all kinds of attention and everything. shes never been left alone more than a few hours. she is like jealous of the other cats or something. like when one of the other cars walk in or she sees them she will hiss or growl at them or attack them. she is very mean and I dont know whats up? any help here? and also, she isnt that friendly either. I mean the only time she is nice is when she wants to go to bed with me. but if we pick her up anytime she will growl hiss and bite and claw us. but we try to calm her down whats goin on? even when she bites me i dont hit her i jus point at her and say "zoey no~" i am not mean to her. neither is anyone else. shes mainly an indoor kitty. but she still bites and claws us.. any ideas? I mean she has like the world. she is very playful I guess over playful but anyone know why she is this way? lol sorry I wrote like a book but I love this cat to death so much and I wish she would calm down.. thank you in advance.. Mandy * Zoey

  2. #2
    awwww ((( Zoey ))))

    I have one catbaby like that....but he was a katrina rescue and was a feral...

    he puts up with me ...LOL...

    I accept my furbabies they way they are....I love them unconditionally...
    and the one that was a katrina survivor, really doesnt like me LOL..
    but I respect his right to have my safe home and let him do his own thing, and he likes the harem of female catbabies that I have...

    dear Zoey I guess has a bitchy personality....
    independent, and feisty...

    if you think it is a problem , you could try rescue remedy...
    its a natural aid to help calm furbabies....

  3. #3
    Hi Mandy....

    my katrina rescue catbaby is not mean..
    hes just not affectionate and he doesnt really like ppl...

    if your dear ((( Zoey ))) is mean..
    aside from the rescue remedy..

    I would also bring her to the VET..
    could be shes in pain or has something wrong medically....and thats why she is acting that way....

    I mean all cats have their own personality , for sure !!
    some are mushbabies, and some are very independent...
    but to be as mean as you are saying..
    if she wasnt/isnt a feral...
    to me..
    I would bring her to the Vet to get her checked.....
    make sure she isnt in pain or feeling bad which is causing her crankiness

  4. #4


    well I dont think its something shes in pain about shes beenlike this forever. shes nice at nite when shes ready for bed tho. lol but it might be something mentally lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    South Florida
    Just keep working with the kitty and things will improve. Keep training the cat to let the kitty know what is unacceptable behavior and what is NOT!
    My cat used to get mad and want to bite really hard (although he was affectionate most other times). I have worked with him and now he doesn't get mad or scary anymore but it took some time.
    What worked was called behavior modification and it really works! Even though anger is an emotion, it's also a habit. The habit is to react with anger and aggresssion. Every time the cat acts bad, you have to stop it. When you see the cat moving towards biting you stop him before he gets there. Yell NO and interupt him. If he is on your lap, bed or whatever, move him off. You will break the habit and you will see the occurences decreasing. Also set aside regular play time and give kitty a good work out to use it's energy in a more positive manner.
    If you are really faithful with this you will have a cat that is much more gentle and reasonable. Good luck and let us know how things are going.
    Cathy loves Cocoa Kitty.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Give her LOVE!!!! Sounds like a case of attitude!!!!
    Nine is Fine!!

  7. #7
    Hey I give her enough love.. but just to let everyonek know SHE IS GETTING WORSE! i dont know what the problem is with her either. and I dont have themoney rite now to take her to the vet??

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Can you post a pic? Is she a calico, tabby, or what? To me, it sounds like she is an alpha female trying to make that known to all the other felines. She is just about the right age for that. Seeing a photo of her, and her with another of the cats in the pic, would help.

    Also, you didn't mention (or I missed it) has she been spayed? Have all the other cats in the house been fixed?

    Make sure you keep her nails clipped, you don't need scratches from her - on you or on the other cats.

  9. #9
    Hi freedom, yes she is spayed. and she is a black kitten. she is short haired, evil looking but cute lol. and yes all the others cats are spayed neautered whatever its all called. I think Imight be able to get a pic in the next few days.

  10. #10
    so this is a old topic. But about Zoey... well I think it has been 2 weeks ago me and my BF got 3 pet rats ( I didnt want them but he did) well anywyas I like them now, we have them in this huge cage in the room and there sweet little things. ( I know everyone says ewww or gross about them I did too at first tho they are very smart) anyways ever since them ZOey has had an attitude change (she gets alota attention and love from me and my Bf and his parents) she always has got alot of love... but yeah she has been alot nicer towards me and everyone else, I mean she still has her moments , but not too much now, where she will still growl hiss or bite us. but its very rare now. and I am happy now we got them rats because I realy think she changed because we got new pets.. I have been sick wit Strep since Tuesday and its not friday, and I been in bed most the time had to call off work and everything but Zoey stayed right by my side and was very nice and caring to me the whole time. I was really happy about that, that she was able to stay with me and be a good little kitty.. she has been listenin alot more, though she will still fight with the other cats sometimes. we also have a catnip plant in the house and she eats off of that.. and when she does that she goes psycho on everyone and the cats lol. but she has only had that once since we got the rats. well I know I wrote like abook but I just wanted to let u all know baout her attitude adjustment and how happy I was that she is a lot nicer kitty..

  11. #11
    Just a suggestion, but what is Zoey's naughty word? Do you say "No Zoey!" Because if an animals name is very similar to their naughty word, it creates confusion and there can be huge behavior issues. Instead, try "Bad Zoey!"

    Such was the case with my friends dog. As soon as they switched to "Bad!" instead of "No!" her behavior improved. Just a thought.

  12. #12
    no. I just say "NO!" to her and point. always have
    Zoey <3 march 29, 2006

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    I don't think your kitty's improved behaviour has anything to do with the rats. My Vixen was always very wild. Never mean but wild and she would bite and scratch too when playing or if you picked her up and she didn't want it. She was still rather wild after her spay for awhile. But as time passed after she was spayed she calmed and became more affectionate. I think that Zoey's hormones are just starting to calm and once they get balanced she will be calm and more affectionate too. Keep us posted as to how she progresses.

    Also about your rats. I used to think ewww about rats too a long time ago but then I had sweetheart rattie called 'Sweetpea'. Very affectionate and very sweet. I would have another in a heartbeat and my cats or dogs were never bothered by the rat being in the house. Actually my cat at that time was friends with the rattie.

    My rainbow bridge babies have forever left their paw prints on my heart.
    Lilith & Vixen, taken too soon. I love you always.

    Signatures, avatars & blinkies if anyone wants one pm me with color,
    font and background preference and with pics and names of pets.

    Lilith's Catster Page Vixen's Catster Page

    Vote for my furry ones on the cat & dog channels
    Vixen, Bella, Vega, Frost, Phoenix & Artica

  14. #14
    well that is surprising kitty delight.. did she ever try to eat the rat.?
    Zoey <3 march 29, 2006

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    Quote Originally Posted by Zoey&Mandy
    well that is surprising kitty delight.. did she ever try to eat the rat.?
    No brother had snakes at the time and he was breeding rat for snake food. I know horrible and I hated it. But the little one I kept was the tiniest one and she was always getting picked on so I said that's it she is mine. Mytsi, my cat at the time, now she is at Rainbow Bridge, used to just sit and watch then she started sniffing the cage and Sweetpea was very curious so would come to the kitty and try to paw at her. At first Mytsi pulled back but after a little while she wouldn't and she would ever get kisses from sweetpea on the nose. They never had a problem with each other and not once did Mytsi consider her food.

    My rainbow bridge babies have forever left their paw prints on my heart.
    Lilith & Vixen, taken too soon. I love you always.

    Signatures, avatars & blinkies if anyone wants one pm me with color,
    font and background preference and with pics and names of pets.

    Lilith's Catster Page Vixen's Catster Page

    Vote for my furry ones on the cat & dog channels
    Vixen, Bella, Vega, Frost, Phoenix & Artica


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