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Thread: Meeting the Parents!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az

    Meeting the Parents!

    My sister and I have been planing for her 30th birthday since May, the plan was that Alexa and I were going to meet up with her and her boyfriend in Vegas along with my cousins Keith and his wife Jocelyn. I've been looking forward to this vacation for months.

    Then little by little more family decided to join. Then my sister figured she needed to be polite and invite my parents since there was going to be so much family there. We didn't actually think they would say yes on such short notice! Today my dad informed me that he and my mom will be meeting us in Vegas!

    This is such short notice, I can't believe that in less than three weeks Alexa is going to be meeting my parents! Our fun filled weekend will now be interupted by my mom and dad! I do realize that after two and a half years it's time for my parents to meet Alexa, but not during our vacation. We are having a dinner on Friday night, with 13 of my family members. Poor Alexa.

    Don't get me wrong it will be nice to see my parents, I haven't seen them since May. I also think it's going to be nice taking a family vacation since I can't remember the last time we've done that. I'm sure I'm just freaking out for no reason and my parents are going to love Alexa.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Can't be odder than Paul's initial encounter with my folks. Don't worry, you're even all meeting on a neutral setting - that's what we always recommend for new furry additions ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    If they love you it will be ok how could they not love her shes great , from the things and pictures you have shared with us. Just to make you feel better we all here will be sending happy vibes your way at the meeting time.
    I've been boo'dMerlin my angel

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Here's hoping that things go well. I sure hope that Alexa doesn't feel too overwhelmed, and that things go smoothly with your parents!

    Rest in Peace, dear Oreo: April 20, 1997-July 18, 2011
    :Rest in Peace, beautiful Sandi: March 18, 1994-January 23, 2010

    Rest in Peace, sweet Angel: July 1, 2001-May 14, 2009


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    I am sure that won't be a problem, Laura, Alexa is great!!!
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I can understand what you are saying- I think meeting the parents is stress for everyone involved- but after a short time Alexa will be part of the family

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Boy, these types of events can make people a nervous wreck. I can surely relate. I bet it turns out alot easier than you ladies think it will be. It almost always is. Parents just want their children to be happy and as soon as they sense that, everything will be fabulous!! Best wishes to both you and Alexa--I know you'll both come through with flying colors!! Just relax and be yourselves

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    I just KNOW your parents will love Alexa. Afterall, I've never met her and I like her. Speaking from a parents point of view, the love we have for our children is very special. As long as you are happy, I think that's what's most important. I'm sure your parents feel the same way.

    Good luck and have a wonderful time!! Pssst, Vegas has alot of *ahem* wedding chapels, did you know that????

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I think there is some benefit to Alexa meeting your parents amidst the craziness that will surround the time. Lots of people, people 'relaxing', etc., tend to take the focus off of the more traditional way- a quiet dinner out, or over someone's home. This way, there will be so much going on that it will be less about "meeting" anyone, and more about socializing.

    Plus, who couldn't like Alexa?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I'm sure it will be ok! Maybe it's better that you are all meeting in Vegas instead of someone's home anyway, because it will take some of the pressure off.

    I know I was nervous when I met Eric's parents but that was only because he said "Well my mom usually doesn't like anyone that I've dated." It turned out she really liked me, and still does! Just be supportive to Alexa since I'm sure you'll both be be nervous (I would be) and I'm sure everything will be fine. Sounds like a fun vacation!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Do they know Alexa is more than a friend? I think it may be easier on everyone if they know that beforehand and less of a shock. I can only tell you how I would feel and if you were my daughter I would want you to be happy, unfortunately there are a lot of people that are close minded. You know your parents better than us, I hope they will feel like that from the start, I am sure they will eventually but I hope you don't have to go through any tense moments.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Glendale Heights, IL (near Chicago)
    Alexa will do fine, but yes, if that was me, I'd be nervous out of my mind! I bet the thought of it will make you two more nervous than the actual meeting.
    Billy and Willy! (2 of my 4)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic
    I think there is some benefit to Alexa meeting your parents amidst the craziness that will surround the time. Lots of people, people 'relaxing', etc., tend to take the focus off of the more traditional way- a quiet dinner out, or over someone's home. This way, there will be so much going on that it will be less about "meeting" anyone, and more about socializing.

    Plus, who couldn't like Alexa?

    I agree completely. Think of the positives here, instead of the negatives and relax. Like my dentist tells me, don't forget to breath.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone! Now that it's had time to sink in I'm feeling much better about the situation. It will be nice for her to meet my parents, now she can put a face to the people that I tell stories about! I've been wanting Alexa to meet my family and I think this is a much better place to meet since we'll have our own place to stay and we won't see them for more than a few hours during the day.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  15. #15
    Goodluck Laura and Alexa, sending postive "Meeting the paents" vibes your way {{Hugs}}.
    Rhi *Hooman* Clover *Rottie x ACD* (RIP to my BRD) Elvis and Tinny *The BCs* & Harri *JRT* Luna *BC x*

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