We've thought of both bringing him to work or trying out doggie day care. Doggie day care is somewhat of a viable option, except that it is cost prohibitive. Around here, it costs something like $20/day, which doesn't sound like much, but I'd be required to pick him up by 5:30, which is hours before I'm done working. So, $400/month to have someone watch my dog for the majority of the day doesn't really work for us.

As for bringing him to the office, I've done that a few times, but professionally I'm uncomfortable with that. He is extremely cute and therefore a great distraction on me and my coworkers. I work in a start-up environment where if what we're trying doesn't work, the company will fail, and so I feel the added distraction of him wouldn't be good on a long term basis.

Again, I thank everyone for the suggestions. I know I must seem like I want my cake and to eat it too (to not take advantage of doggie day care, since it is available), but at some point, I feel that that is only a temporary solution and if we were to have a day that we wouldn't be able to bring the dog to his playmates, his reactions at home would be exponentially worse....

thanks for reading so far,