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Thread: Depression

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA


    Ok, after weeks of saying I'm slipping into depression, I finally realized, I'm no longer slipping, I'm there. I don't need to count off all my symptoms to you all, I'm sure you've noticed a change in me the past few months.

    I decided today that I'm going to meet with my doctor to discuss possibly taking some antidepressants. I know a lot of you have experience with the different drugs out there, so I wanted input before I went to the doctor to make sure I'm not put on something that has given other people bad side effects. I'm not talking about side effects like headache or diarrhea.... I'm sure you know what other side efects I'm talking about.

    Nobody has to say which drugs they are currently on if they don't want to -- please PM me if you're not comfortable telling the world which medicine you take.

    I was on somethign 3 years ago for anxiety. Maybe it is all just anxiety leading to the depression. It worked wonders for me right away and I felt like my old self. I want to be me again. This blah person who takes naps every day and is quick to flare up is getting on my nerves I want to be passionate again. I want to feel hope again. I want my memory back! (LOL) I just want to be ME again, and this person I've been the last few months isn't me. All I know is I'm in a bad depression right now. I know the symptoms from the last two times I got this low... right after grandmom died and right as my last job ended.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I take a combination of Lexapro and Strattera. The worst thing about antidepressant medication is that it takes so long to reach it's full effectivenesss--4-6 weeks. I was told that if one kind didn't work, not to give up because sometimes it takes a few trials to get the right medication, or combination of medications, for you. But I whole-heartedly believe in them, and they have made a HUGE difference in my life, for the better. I will be on them for the rest of my life because of a brain chemical imbalance, and I am very thankful for them. Anyone who has never experienced it, can't understand it. Don't let anyone tell you that "you shouldn't take them because you'll get addicted to them", etc. Lots of people will say they don't believe in these kinds of medications (Tom Cruise, for instance!), but then they apparently have never experienced true depression that is caused by a brain chemical imbalance.

    I hope you get started on one that is effective for you right away, without having to go through a lot of trial and error first. But don't get too discouraged, the right medication or combination of medications IS out there!

    Good luck!

    Rest in Peace, dear Oreo: April 20, 1997-July 18, 2011
    :Rest in Peace, beautiful Sandi: March 18, 1994-January 23, 2010

    Rest in Peace, sweet Angel: July 1, 2001-May 14, 2009


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I've never taken any antidepressants but my husbands has. The doctor put him on Wellbutrin he was trying to stop smoking at the time, its supposed to help take the edge off. He hated it. He said it made him feel very angry all the time. But I know it does work for a lot of people. I'm sure your doctor will work with you and find what's best for you.

    I'm sorry to here you are feeling so down. I hope you feel better soon. You will be in my thoughts. (((Hugs)))

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

    "We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals"

    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    My brother was on anti depressants when he died (we think) I am still waiting for the autopsy report to see if they complicated his condition. So I guess I am wary of them right at the moment.
    don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die....

    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    The first medicine I tried was Lexapro. It did work, but it stopped working.
    The second medicine (the one I am on now) is Zoloft. The dosage was raised a few times when it seemed to becoming less effective. When it worked, it worked great! But I am going to ask for yet a third attempt since I have been feeling super bad myself lately.
    I too just want to be the happy-go-lucky person that I know lives deep inside me. Not this heavy hearted person I have been lately.
    Unfortunatley my Dr. appt. isn't for another month.

    But sheesh. I sure don't want to get a medication that makes me feel angry! That is the LAST thing I need on top of everything.

    Good luck catnapper getting a proper medication.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ((((hugs)))) I'm sorry that you are going through a difficult time, but I'm glad that you are seeking help. Typically anti-depressants are extremely helpful once you figure out what works best for you. It may take some trial and error, which may require some patience on your part. Lots of times people have the most problems with anti-depressants when they can't find the right one to work for them or they have been on the same one for a long time and the effectiveness wears off some. I am currently on Effexor, which works great for me, but the withdrawal is hell. If you miss even one pill, you will experience withdrawal, and it's horrible. I have heard some things about Wellbutrin too, that people have had problems with it. It really just depends on what works for you. Good luck, and keep us updated!

    EDIT: Just read that you were on Lexapro before, Effexor is very similar to Lexapro so maybe you might have better luck with that one....just don't miss a pill!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Lexapro! thats the anxiety med I was on 3 years ago. I tworked almost immediately, but like Jen, it faded within 6 months til the point where I didn't feel it worked at all. I just weaned off of it at that point since I left he job that caused all the anxiety and depression.

    Thanks guys - its good to hear alternate ideas.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I would also suggest therapy, as well. I can't remember what I used for a short time but it seemed to help. Later, I was given Welbutrin and didn't like it at all because it sped up my heart. I only took one pill. Therapy will help you a lot. They say you need both for the medication to work as well as possible.

    I did the right thing by setting you free
    But the pain is very deep.
    If only I could turn back time, forever, you I'd keep.
    I miss you

    I hear you whimper in your sleep
    I gently pet you and say, no bad dreams
    It will be alright, to my dog as dark as night.

    Fur as dark as the night.
    Join me on this flight.
    Paws of love that follow me.
    In my heart you'll forever be.

    How I wish I could hold you near.
    Turn back time to make it so.
    Hug you close and never let go.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    My mom asked me: "If you have a medication, why do you need counselling?"

    I answered, "Mom, let's assume for the sake of argument I was born with depressive illness(which I was). I have to relearn and unlearn a lifetime of attitudes, thinking and reactions that have resulted from living with this untreated illness. A pill won't do that."

    Sure makes it EASIER though!

    Will PM you with more...HUGS HUGS HUGS
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  10. #10
    I was on lexapro, and switched to celexa. The only thing I noticed is that I actually get bored now. I used to be just fine staring at the wall.

    It did help for a week or so, as far as having a lil more engergy to clean house. But mine wore off faster than yalls At times I feel.. maybe I'm just ment to not be happy.

    But really.. I know I can be happy, and I think the only thing that might cure me is to go back to my home state to be closer to my mom. And what few friends I had.

    I'm all alone here except for the people that live in my house. I really miss my mom.

    But my husband doesn't want to move back. NOt for a couple years anyways. But at the rate my depression is taking me, I don't think I can wait that long. I might end up leaving and telling him that if he loves me, he will follow. He works for Walgreens as a pharmacist, he can get a job easily there. But he says it's all the hassle of moving out of state, selling house and re-exam for his pharm license.

    I'm sorry Catnapper! Ihope things get better for you! Depression really sux

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    As I have shared here many times in the past, I have Major Depressive Illness and also recently diagnosed with Bi-Polar II Disorder. I have tried many antidepressants through the years, and the one that has worked best has been Celexa. Since my BPII diagnosis, I was also started on Lamictal which helps with anxiety and mood swings as well. I applaud you in recognizing when you need help, and not being afraid or ashamed to ask for it!

    You know I am only a phone call away too, right?


  12. #12
    I'm on 2o mg of celexa and have been on it for 2 weeks. I'm still waiting to feel better.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    I saw the doctor this afternoon and now have a new prescription for an anti-anxiety drug that also works for depression and has a sedative to help me sleep (since I also can NOT get to sleep at night. I finally went to bed at 2AM last night)

    I was prescribed Buspar. I'd never heard of it, and my doctor just smiled and said he knows nobody's ever heard of it. I can't take the first dose til tonight since I do't know how the sedative part will affect me. I'm actually looking forward to falling asleep BEFORE midnight.

    If anyone knows anything about Buspar let me know. The doctor said its non-narcotic and very mild. Its just to take the edge off of all my stress and worry. I need it - my blood pressure was a million times higher today than it was just a few weeks ago when I saw him for a sinus infection. Anyway, he said its one of those drugs that you can take for any length of time, and when I feel my stressors are gone and I want to stop it, I just stop it. No weaning, no reducing amounts, etc.

    On another note, I told the doctor that my left ear still feels funny (I had an ear infection and sinus infection last month) so he checked it out... and yes, I DO have an ear infection. But not the type I was expecting. I have SWIMMER'S EAR! Um... I haven't step foot in any body of water except my bath tub in the past year! Only I could end up with swimmer's ear from taking a shower!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Yes, you can get swimmers ear for a shower or just washing your hair, that is why you are suppose to dry out your ears afterwards... Any water in the ear......

    An old friend of mine had been reall ill off and on for several years. While in the hospital, the doctors put her on Buspar but she flat out refused to take it. She insisted she was not depressed when she was extreemly depressed and she NEVER slept, night or day which annoyed the staff terriably... Now I know why the doctor choose Buspar for her. She was terrified of sleeping and still is.....

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

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