Ok, for those of you who haven't been following the Kendall saga of getting Max last weekend. Gio has threatened to come to the States (which isn't much of a threat since we all want to meet!!) and I kind of said that I couldn't go anywhere else because of having 14 (possibly 15) dogs so suggested that Fort Wayne be the site of the Midwest meeting and it sounds promising!!

There are a lot of people that live within 2-4 hours of here ( most within 3) and we will have a dog park open sometime this summer and we have one of the 10 best zoos in the country (a children's zoo, so nothing like Toledo!!) and we have a minor league baseball team (of which one of my best friends works there, so possibly set up a picnic and a Pet Talk group mentioned), we also have the River Greenway, which is a walker/bike path that runs along the rivers that is quite pretty, but pretty narrow. If we decide to do that maybe we could plan a picnic and I could reserve a pavillion at Foster Park where the dog park is. If people like antiques, there are about a million and 4 antique areas around here.

See Gio, what you started?? lol Now I'm really excited!!