I have been skulking around for awhile and have decided to take the "plunge" and sign up!! Yea! I am the proud "hoo-man" to 3 dogs and 1 cat.
Korkie is the oldest. She is 15, blind, deaf and tougher than all get out... Her hobbies include smokin' in the boys room and harassing the wildlife. She is a Yorkshire/Poodle mix, and about 7 lbs
Next is Maxx. He is the "good" dog. Noone realizes how great he is until they meet my other dogs. Gee, what does THAT say?!! He is 3 1/2 now and is a Shep/Ret mix. Most people believe that he has Rotti or Dobi in him, but he is 1/2 Golden Ret, 1/4 German Shep, and 1/4 Lab...= 100% Mutt!! I adore him and his popcorn-smelling feet.
Jersey is the Prima Donna- the Diva if you like. She is a 2 1/2 Dane. But depending on who you ask you could get any number of breeds. She has been called a vicious black and white doberman, a dalmation, a husky, a pointer, the list goes on. And all I can do is grin and say, "I wish!!" Her mission in life is to destroy all the toys that Maxx seems interested in- and she will destroy the ones he doesn't just in case. No charge.
The newest family member is Kiki the cat. She has been in our home for about 2 months now and almost has everyone convinced that she was there first. Typical cat, she will not tolerate ANYONE stepping out of line. If you disobey you receive a nose-swat, but there will be no avoiding either- for that is punishable too. She enjoys Pina Coladas, making all the rules, and changing them at will...
I, lastly, am fortunate enough to share my home and life with these characters. I am my own bad sitcom. I work in a shelter during the day. This allows me to keep them in toys, food, and treats. Sometimes they allow me to buy something for myself.
I am looking forward to meeting people here, and swapping stories.
